Welcome to our Year 5 team!

The year 5 team are:
5LS - Miss Samuels and Mrs Barrett
5S - Mr Sherwin and Mrs Allen
5H - Mr Hall and Mrs Parton

We are excited to be teaching your children this year and look forward to an exciting school year ahead!

Please scroll down to see our important information including our curriculum, key days and dates in the academic year.


Contact Details:

5H: [email protected] 

5S: [email protected] 

5LS: [email protected]

PE Days

Our PE days in school are Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes in the appropriate clothing to be able to partake.

Library Day

Our Library day is a Tuesday. Please ensure your child returns any books they have borrowed as and when they finish reading.


Each week, we will set homework using CGP books for Maths and English. We will ask children to take these home to complete on Fridays. These will need to be returned by the following Thursday. In their planners, the children will note the pages that they need to complete.

As well as these books, we encourage the children to read and complete their planners. In their planners, there are spellings and times tables to practise. 


Recommended reads for Year 5

Varjak Paw by S.F. Said

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aitken

Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver

Street Child by Bertie Doherty

The Midnight Fox by Betsy Byars

Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce

FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith

Autumn term 2023

English and Maths


  Autumn 1 Autumn 2


Earth and Space Forces


  The Tudor Transformation


Energy and The Environment  


Classic Rock Classroom Jazz


Typography and Maps  




Net Game/Gymnastics Netball/Basketball/Dance


Caring for Others, Animals and the Environment/ Sharing and Being Generous Being Loyal and Steadfast/ Being Hopeful and Visionary


Computing Systems and Networks Creating Media - Video Production


Being Me Celebrating Differences




Design and Technology

Spring term 2023

Summer term 2023

A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application