Head Teacher's Welcome
Welcome to Bournville Village Primary School
Bournville Junior School was founded in 1906, followed by Bournville Infant School in 1910, as the personal gifts of George Cadbury to the village of Bournville. He specified that the school should provide an education of the highest quality, with a Christian ethos that was forward thinking and tolerant. As children and teachers continue to pass through our doors, we remember and uphold George Cadbury’s original vision.
In 2017, the federated Governing Board made the decision to amalgamate the two schools and Bournville Village Primary School opened in April 2019. We are now a larger than average primary school with just over 650 children. Despite our size, we aim for a personal, family approach where our staff team understand the importance of the education of a child as a whole. So whether it be the carefully planned curriculum that provides exciting, memorable and ambitious lessons, the chance to learn a musical instrument supported by specialists, the thrill of representing the school team at a sporting event, the way our children are greeted at the door, the way we give time and care when mental health and wellbeing needs attention, or whether it is the way we aim for all our children to come to school, every day, feeling safe and loved, at BVP we are 'bothered' about every bit of the school experience for our children.
The wellbeing and mental health of our children is vital and the development of our Pastoral provision is something we are very proud of. Recently we have opened three dedicated spaces for children and families when there are challenges. The Den, The Cottage and The Burrow are important parts of the BVP journey and we are sure George (Cadbury) would approve!
We know that we will do the best for our children when we work closely with parents, carers and families and we are working hard to increase the opportunities for collaboration. We regularly distribute surveys and seek parental participation in projects and initiatives. We aim for parents to be in school as much as possible, even when Victorian buildings make this a challenge!
We work closely with a range of stakeholders, most notably our Governors and our PTA who are very much part of the fabric of our school. You can find out more about these important partners by following the links within this text.
Our school has important historical significance and much has been written about George Cadbury, Bournville and the school itself. We are also proud to have a very special Carillon and you can read more about these, topics, again by following the links within this text.
Whilst we work in buildings over 100 years old, we know our educational provision needs to be the best it can be for children right now- we know what we are good at at BVP and we know what we need to work on next and in this sense we are a 'restless' school- we are constantly looking to improve for the benefit of our children.
We are proud of our school and we love showing people around. If you would like to visit, or have any questions, please get in touch using the details at the bottom of each page of this website. There will always be someone available to help.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this- the information above and the website itself should give you a good flavour of what we are about at BVP!
Mrs Amy Cooper