Hello everyone and welcome to Year 3

The Year 3 team includes: Mrs Spinks, Miss Brown, Miss Parry, Miss Lau, Mrs Williams and Miss Peacock. We are really excited to work with you this year and are looking forward to getting to know your children.

Contact Details:

3S: [email protected] 

3B: [email protected] 

3P: [email protected] 


PE will be on a Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their PE kit in accordance with the uniform policy on these days. They will also need a pair of pumps for indoor PE, which should be kept in a labelled bag on their peg. 

We will be visiting the library on a Thursday. Your child will bring home a library book and their Reading Practice book on this day. All children will choose a new Reading Practice book, based on their current reading level, on a Thursday. They should bring this book and their planner with them to school each day. We would also ask that any reading practice completed at home is entered into the planner.

Please ensure that your child has a suitable coat for the Autumn weather. The only things your child needs to bring are a school rucksack (or similar small bag), a school water bottle (available from the school office), their reading books, planner and a fruit or veg snack for breaktime if they would like.

We will be available after school if you have any questions, via email at the Enquiry address or via phone. Thanks, The Year 3 Team.

Curriculum overview - Autumn Term


Power of Reading: a contemporary time-slip picture book by Satoshi Kitamura

Writing to entertain: to write a narrative, to write a short speech exchange, to write a fictional recount

Writing to inform: to write a non-chronological report, to write a recount of a real event

Writing to express: to write in role, to write a diary entry

Y3 Common Exception spellings, punctuation and grammar (revision: Y2 SPaG)


Number and place value: counting and recognising the value of numbers to 1000 (revision: counting and recognising the value of numbers to 100)

Addition and subtraction: formal written method, including column, within 1000

(revision: number bonds to and within 100 including crossing 10)

Multiplication and division: 3s, 4s and 8s times tables and division facts

(revision: 2s, 5s and 10s, using Times Table Rock Stars to practice)


Light Forces and Magnets


Stone Age


Mountains and Volcanoes


Let your Spirit Fly Glockenspiel


Gestural drawing with charcoal


Structures – making a recycled desk tidy


Games - Dance - Gym


Computing Systems and Networks Creating media - stop-frame animation


Judiasm - remembering roots, creating unity and harmony,


MyHappymind and Relationships MyHappymind and Health and Wellbeing




Design and Technology

Recommended reads for Year 3

Here are some books that we recommend for your reading for pleasure. Make sure to look out for them in the library or book shop. You could even look for books by the same author.

Hello everyone and welcome to the Spring Term of Year 3!

Curriculum overview - Spring Term


Spring 1

This half term, our Power of Reading book will be a classic illustrated novel by Ted Hughes. The children will write in role, write and re-tell narratives and compare and contrast themes.

Spring 2

This half term, our Power of Reading book will be a beautifully illustrated non-fiction text exploring the history of Earth. We will also be studying the poetry of Joseph Coelho and looking at his poetry in the book ‘Werewolf Club Rules’. The children will write poetry, narrative descriptions, non-chronological reports and write in role.



Multiplication and division: 2 digits x and ÷ 1 digit e.g. 24 x 2, 48 ÷ 2  

(Revision: 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s and 10s, x and ÷, using TT Rock Stars to practice)

Measurement: Length and perimeter

Fractions: Finding equal parts and amounts of the whole

(Revision: Finding half, quarter, third, unit and non-unit fractions, equivalence of half and two-quarters, counting in fractions) 

Mass and Capacity: measure in grams, kilograms, litres and millilitres

Science – Chemistry

Rocks and Soils


Roman Britain


Food Miles


Three Little Birds The Dragon Song


Working with shape and colour


Making a healthy sandwich


Athletics - Tennis - Rugby


Spreadsheets - Touch typing - Email


Judaism Islam


Dreams and Goals Healthy Me
A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application