Year 2

The Year 2 Team

Autumn Term 2024

Dear Year 2 parents and carers,

Firstly, may we wish you and your child a happy and welcome return to school. This year, your class teachers are:

2TJ - Mrs Tucker Monday to Thursday, Mrs Jenkins on Friday 

2T - Miss Tomlins

2O - Miss Owen

Contact Details:

2TJ: [email protected] & [email protected] 

2T: [email protected] 

2O: [email protected]

Year 2’s learning support assistants are Mrs Plant, Mrs Fleming and Mrs O'Connor. Year 2 PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment time) will be on Thursday mornings; during this time, children will be taught RE by Miss Gillett, maths by Mrs Davies, and PE by Ms Tichelly. PE will be on a Monday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their PE kits on their PE days. Library days are Monday and Tuesday.

  Autumn 1  Autumn 2 
Science Materials



Clever Construction: the Victorians and Isambard Kingdom Brunel 


The Arctic






Be an Architect


Dance and team games 



The Birth of Jesus 
Computing Computing systems and networks - IT around us Creating media - digital photography

Relationships - What makes a good friend?

Relationships - What is bullying?

To secure fluency in number, place value, addition and subtraction facts. Each lesson will be comprised of recalling number facts, counting, revision of year 1 fluency and strategies, securing their knowledge and understanding of the number bonds to 10, 20 and 100 and each lesson will begin with a retrieval activity to promote recall of previous number facts; this will be underpinned with the completion of homework.


The book focus for autumn 1 will be traditional tales and autumn 2 will be tales from around the worldAs part of the enjoyment of reading, the Power of Reading books will be unveiled as the term progresses. In addition to our English lessons, children will have phonics, handwriting, vocabulary and spelling practice. 


Pupils should bring their reading books, reading diaries and library books to school daily. The school sells Bournville Village Primary School bags which we recommend as they are the perfect size for everything your child needs and fit well in our small cloakrooms. A Bournville Village Primary School water bottle can also be purchased from the school office or the school shop. 



Curriculum knowledge organisers




Design and Technology

A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application