Welcome to our Weekly Newsletter- October 27th
Well we've come to the end of a very long half term and we finished it with an amazing fundraiser organised by our ECO group. This incredible group of Year 6 girls have been putting in lots of hard work to ensure that their first event was a hit and initial thoughts are that they will confidently be able to achieve their aim of 'adopting an endangered animal' for each year group!
As we move into the second half of the Autumn term things start getting really busy with extra events... keep your eyes on the calendar on the website which we are using as the main way of sharing dates. We are mindful of some feedback about the amount of messages/ emails that we send, so we're really trying to get the balance right with this.
Thankyou to all who attended a parents' evening appointment. These are great opportunities to have focused conversations with class teachers, but please remember we are keen to 'keep the doors open' and encourage regular conversations and check-ins so that you feel fully involved and updated with your child's learning.

Values of The Week

Today, teachers have presented the Values award to the following children for demonstrating Respect.
KS1 | KS2 |
RC- Albert C | 3C- George M |
RGR- Eadie P | 3O- Zack N |
RR- Bella B | 3S- Megan S |
1C- Ivy W | 4A- Annabel R |
1RT- Sienna M | 4BE- Grace G |
1S- Joshua C | 4O- Esme M |
2ES- Elsie T and Sidney B | 5H- Lamiyah A |
2T - Rosie R-B | 5HPS- Lilah S |
2TJ- Polly M | 5S- Amina C |
6GW- Priya B | |
6M- Jessica M | |
6S- Chloe R |
What's Coming Up...
Friday 27th | Break up for Half Term |
Monday 6th | Return to school |
Tuesday 7th | Prospecting Parents open Evening (18:00-19:00) |
Wednesday 8th | Prospecting Parents open Evening (18:00-19:00) |
Thursday 9th | Prospecting Parents open Evening (18:00-19:00) |
Friday 10th | RGR Forrest School |
Friday 10th | Remembrance Assembly (no parents in for this one- sorry) |
Remembrance Day
From the 6th - 10th November, Years 5 & 6 will have the opportunity to purchase a poppy in school for a small cash donation which will go to the Royal British Legion. Plus, this year's poppy's are plastic free - so you will be doing your bit to help the environment too!
Beavers, Rainbows, Cubs, Brownies, Guides and Scouts are welcome to wear their uniforms on November 10th for Remembrance Day.
Congratulations D!
D represented Team England at the 2023 Kick Boxing World Championships.
He performed amazingly in two separate kickboxing categories and earned both bronze and gold medals for his performance. We are so proud of you!
Message from Katie Walker- Bailey-... Our Attendance Ambassador!
As attendance and punctuality is so important to us, we cannot be complacent where there are instances of unacceptable, low pupil attendance, or if pupils are regularly late to school. The Government’s expectation is that all children should have an attendance figure of 95- 97% - we are committed to work with you to achieve this. When attendance and punctuality fall to a level of concern we will quickly inform, liaise with, and work proactively with you to address all issues. Birmingham Education Authority is keen that we adopt measures and involve external agencies if the level of attendance requires us to do so. If there is not an improvement in your child’s attendance, then you may be asked to come into school for a formal meeting to discuss the matter further as part of the FastTrack to Attendance process.
Continued unauthorised absences could then result in a penalty notice being issued by the Education Legal Intervention Team (ELIT) and in some cases legal action being taken.
Attendance is monitored half-termly and letters are sent to all parents indicating where your child sits on the attendance banding which is explained via the traffic light system.... you will have received your this week!
Missing !
Have you seen this bag? We have a very upset student who is missing her lovely bag. If your child has accidently mistaken this for their own and taken it home, please return to the school office as soon as possible. Thank you!
Music News
So we come to the end of a very busy half term for music at BVPS. We are delighted with how well our new musicians and singers have settled in to their instrument lessons and choir. To have over 200 children learning an instrument per week, and 70 children in choir is fantastic. Year 2 are thoroughly enjoying their whole class ukulele lessons with Mr Reed!
After half term we will be running a lunchtime music technology club for Years 5 and 6 and a small recorder group (by invitation) for Year 2. Also, starting from November, we will be adding to music in school by organising a school orchestra for the first time. The orchestra is by invitation only but, once established, we’ll see if we can extend this opportunity to other musicians. The orchestra will be run by Saph Ali (our brass teacher) and Mrs Vaughan.
Choir - Town Hall Resources on School website
If your child is in choir, we have asked them to learn the words for the songs they will be performing in the Town Hall on December 10th over half term. Words have been sent home and backing tracks can be found on the school website under 'Our School' and ‘Music’. Please do encourage your choir member to spend some time learning their words.
Details about this concert will be sent home on Monday 6th November.
We have a new Music Ambassador!
Congratulations to J in 6S for being appointed a music ambassador. He is passionate about ‘improving music in school for all’ and we are thrilled he’s joined our team.
Celebrating the Cornet
Today N in 6S showcased her immense talent on the cornet by performing ‘633' Squadron by Ron Goodwin in our celebration assembly. N is justifiably lead cornet player for the central ensemble Training Brass Band and we’re so proud of how much you’ve achieved.
Stopping Music Lessons
If your child wishes to stop having music lessons in school at the end of this term, notice must be given in writing to Mrs Vaughan by Friday 8th December.
PTA News...
Thanks to all for getting involved in a good start to the academic year. Reception Picnic in the Park to welcome the new starters, Quiz Night was great fun, that'll be back in July 2024, over 90% of the kids ordering Christmas Cards and various School Shop opportunities to help everyone get hold of good quality uniform.
Next half term we have got the Christmas Fair, extended Present Room, School Discos, Carols in the Playground and the various Raffles going on to help us get all the way to 22nd Dec when we break up.
PTA at Christmas!
Christmas Cards/Mugs/Coaster/Tags
Thank you for your orders on ParentPay, and submitting your paper forms where there is a name change. We have now taken this down from ParentPay to finalise and submit the order to the printers.
Christmas Raffle
Tickets are now available on ParentPay for the Christmas Raffle Draw £1 per entry - see https://bournvillehsa.wordpress.com/end-of-term-raffle-december-2023/ for evolving prize list. The draw will take place on 20th December.
Christmas Cake Raffle
We have also secured a repeat donation of a Cake to raffle off - so Christmas Cake Raffle Tickets are on ParentPay. £1 per entry with the draw on 15th December during the Carols in the Playground event.
Evening Parent House Party
We have listened to feedback and have decided to move the event to a Friday in February. This is to ensure that we avoid the ramp up to the busy Christmas period, move the event to a Friday so that we aren't out on a School night (!) and have something to look forward to in the PTA calendar for 2024.
What we also know is that we will be converting a suitable space at School to allow for groups of parents to socialise and meet up. Think 'a welcoming House Party/Kitchen Disco with BYOB and snacks (to help keep costs down) somewhere within walking distance of your house (so you don't need a taxi) where you are guaranteed a table (because we have loads) and control of the music. That's what we mean by Parent House Party - so to dispel any rumours - this is NOT an event at someone's house! It will be open to parent/carers/grandparents of children at the School, and ex-parents if you are still in contact with them - because we know that when you leave the School (alongside your child) you miss the community that comes with it.
Look out for a firm date in future newsletters!
Christmas Fair preparations - 2nd Dec 2023 11:00 - 15:00
We are opening up the George Hall again this year for the Designer/Maker community amongst the BVPS Family. If you, or your child, is keen on making craft items to sell at the Christmas Fair then you can go ahead and request a table here https://bournvillehsa.wordpress.com/christmas-fair-2023/ and we will contact you to make arrangements. We are concentrating on designer maker craft items / physical items - rather than food or drink. However, if you are a keen baker and wish to help us stock and sell food and drink items in the cafe then please contact us on [email protected] and we can see what we can do.
We are also seeking donations from the Parent community for Raffle Prizes to be part of the Christmas Raffle. We had a hugely successful response to the previous raffle donation request that we are looking to repeat. Tickets are now on ParentPay and we have published the Prize List - which we will add to as the donations come in - see https://bournvillehsa.wordpress.com/end-of-term-raffle-december-2023/ for the list.
Year 6 Opportunities
We have distributed letters to all Year 6 that are interested in helping at the Christmas Fair, and have had good responses so far from both Year 6 pupils and parents that are able to either help, or donate raffle prizes or both. Please do complete and submit the form at https://forms.office.com/e/BsSCE7n4nV by 10th November so we can form the team and get things ready for the Fair.
Upcoming PTA Event Dates
24th November | Own clothes day in return for Fair Tombola donations |
30th November | Donate any good quality books, DVDs, toys, wellies, overcoats for sale at the Fair |
1st December | Donate any cakes, biscuits to stock the Christmas Cafe at the Fair |
1st December | Christmas Fair set-up 15:30 till its ready 🙂 |
2nd December | Christmas Fair 11:00 - 15:00 |
5th December | Year 1 Disco 15:20 - 16:30 |
7th December | Year 2/3 Disco 15:20 - 17:00 |
7th December | Year 4/5/6 Disco 18:00 - 19:30 |
15th December | Carols in the Playground (afternoon and after school) and Christmas Cake Raffle draw |
20th December | Christmas Raffle draw (see https://bournvillehsa.wordpress.com/end-of-term-raffle-december-2023/ for Prize List) |
Maths News!
Half Term number Challenge
Are you looking for a fun activity to do over half term, that will also involving investigating different numbers? If so, this challenge could be for you!
Over the half term break, see where you can find interesting and unique numbers at home, in your garden or out and about. Maybe you could count the number of conkers you could find on a walk, spot different numbers on road signs or houses or play a board game involving numbers. You could draw, make, paint, build, craft or sew your favourite number! Whatever you choose, please take a photo if you are able and tag the @BnvilleVillage account on Twitter/X so we can share in your half term fun.
Happy number investigating!
"Who's Behind The Book?" THE REVEAL!
Did you guess who was behind the book last week?
Half Term Reading Challenge
We hope you will have plenty of time to enjoy books and reading during the break from school. Why not take part in our half term reading challenge and see how many of the challenges below can complete in a week. Tick them off as you go!
Challenge | Completed |
1. Read a book that was written in the year you were born. | |
2. Read your friend's favourite book. | |
3. Read a book that your grown up loved when they were little. | |
4. Choose and read a book just because you like its cover. | |
5. Read a book with a one-word title. | |
6. Draw a picture of your favourite character from a book you have read. | |
7. Read under the covers with a torch. | |
8. Read a book outside - don't forget to wrap up warm! | |
9. Listen to an audiobook. | |
10. Read a comic (or graphic novel!) | |
11. Read a bedtime story to someone else - your grown up, your brother or sister, even your pet! | |
12. Read a book that your teacher loves. |
We would love to see pictures of your child completing the reading challenge! Please feel free to email your child’s class teacher or share your pictures on twitter. Don’t forge to tag us in @BnvilleVillage.
Happy reading 😊
UK Space Agency plans to send all-UK astronaut team to space!
Four astronauts from the UK could soon be heading into space on an all-British mission.
A plan for the trip is being developed by an American company that organises visits to the International Space Station (ISS).
The mission would see the team spend up to two weeks in orbit carrying out scientific experiments and participating in educational activities.
The last Brit to go into space was Tim Peake, who spent six months on the ISS in 2015.
Online Safety
Most social network sites require children to be 13 or older. If, however, your child is taking an interest in being able to do this, there are child friendly social media accounts, which they can access.
Please click on the link below to find out more information.
School Dinner- Weekly Menus
WEEK ONE | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Tempura Fish | BBQ Chicken and Rice | Roast Beef | Homemade Margarita Pizza | Pork sausages in a roll |
Cheese and Onion Pasties | Vegetable Curry and Rice | Quorn Roast | Vegetable Samosas | Quorn sausages in a roll |
Filled jacket potato | Cheese or Tuna Wrap | Tomato Pasta Bake with Garlic Slice | Cheese or Chicken Bap | |
Sides- Diced potatoes and seasonal vegetable | Sides- Seasonal vegetables | Sides- Yorkshire pudding, Gravy and Seasonal vegetables | Sides- Chunky chips, beans or peas | Sides- potato wedges and seasonal veg |
Mousse | Flapjack | Apple Crumble and custard | Chocolate crunch | Iced smoothies |
Shortbread | Jelly | Fresh Fruit salad | Fruit salad |
WEEK TWO | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wendesday | Thursday | Friday |
Chicken goujons | Beef lasagne | Roast chicken | Pepperoni pizza | Mac N Cheese with garlic sauce |
Tuna pasta bake with garlic slice | Roasted vegetable lasagne | Quorn roast | Margarita pizza | Fish fingers |
Filled jacket potatoes | Vegetable noodles | Filled jacket potatoes | Vegan nuggets | Selection of filled wraps |
Side- wedges and seasonal vegetables | Sides - Garlic slice and seasonal veg | Sides- gravy, stuffing and seasonal vegetables | Sides- Chunky chips, baked beans or peas | Sides- Roasted new potatoes and seasonal vegetables |
Jam sponge | Chocolate sponge and Custard | Fruit crumble and custard | Strawberry mousse | Iced Smoothies |
Jelly | Fresh fruit salad |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Homemade chicken curry with naan and rice | All day breakfast | Roast gammon | Pork sausage | Beef meatballs and pasta |
Homemade veg curry with naan and rice | Vegetarian breakfast | Quorn roast | Quorn sausage | Cheese and onion pasty |
Cheese or tuna wrap | Tomato pasta bake with garlic sauce | Filled Jacket potato | Margarita pizza | Selection of wraps |
Side- Seasonal veg | Side- Hash browns, beans or peas | Side- roast potatoes, mash potatoes, fresh seasonal veg | Side- chunky chips, bakes beans or peas | Sides- Wedges and seasonal vegetables |
Chocolate Cracknell | Vanilla cupcakes | Cherry crumble and custard | Shortbread | Iced Smoothies |
Jelly | Mousse | Fresh fruit salad | Jelly |
Fresh seasonal salad bar with fresh bread available daily as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit.
Children In Need
This year's Children in Need will take place on 17th November. If you would like to make a donation to this very worth while cause you can do so via our ParentPay portal here. Our lovely school council will be organising something to mark the day - watch this space!
Going On In Your Area...
And Finally...
We hope that you all have a safe week ahead and that you get to spend some quality time with your children at some point. I'm around next week if you need anything- email [email protected]
Take care folks and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 6th November!
Best wishes from Mrs Cooper and your BVP family.