Welcome to your newsletter for week ending January 31st

It's been another busy week at school with plenty of family members coming in to talk to groups of mainly KS2 children about their careers and professions for our annual 'Jobs January' event. Altogether we had 21 sessions which covered a large range of jobs. A big thankyou to all the parents and relatives who gave up their time to talk to our children- we really do appreciate all the effort that went into preparing presentations and activities. I (Mrs Cooper!) had the pleasure of joining several sessions and the thought behind each visit was amazing- the children were fascinated and had plenty of questions to ask the speakers!

We were hoping that the the MUGA would be up and running by today- unfortunately the weather has caused a few issues but we have been promised that children will be on the pitch and making the most of the new space by mid next week.

This week we held the half term's Parent Voice meeting- the focus was 'How do we let parents know how children are doing?' and 'How do we let parents know what children are learning?'. These questions sparked plenty of discussion and it is likely that we will set up a small working party for parents who are particularly interested in these topics- look out for invitations to join this.

Read on for some more news about what's coming up...

What's Coming Up

Date Organised By... Event
Wednesday 5th February SCHOOL SEND Coffee Afternoon with Mrs May (14:00-15:20)
Thursday 6th February SCHOOL Diversity Meeting (virtual) (18:00-19:00)
Friday 7th February SCHOOL Number Day- All children can come to school dressed as a number in any way they choose! This might be a combination of 'own clothes' and uniform, or if this isn't something your child is interested in, full school uniform is fine too!
Friday 7th February SCHOOL Pastoral Coffee Afternoon (14:00-15:20)
Wednesday 12th February SCHOOL Parents Evening (available to book on Arbor)
Thursday 13th February SCHOOL Parents Evening (available to book on Arbor)
Monday 17th February Half Term


Values Of The Week

Reception Buttons- Rawan Snaps- Delilah Twirls- Arina
Year One 1C- Hillie- Blu 1R- Eleanor 1S- Henry
Year Two 2O- Maddison 2T- Frankie 2TJ- Cassius
Year Three 3B- Anna 3P- Oscar 3S- Sophie
Year Four 4BW- Ceylin 4C- James 4EW- Gracie
Year Five 5H- Josh 5LS- Grace 5S- Esme
Year Six 6M- Gloria 6OG- Laurie 6S- Luisa


Congratulations to this week's Attendance Armadillo winners!




Please can parents and carers stress the importance of handwashing, not sharing hair bobbles/clips, covering mouths when sneezing and coughing etc. in a bid to tackle any illness, nits and nasty sickness bugs. 

Telescope Available

We have a free telescope available. If this is something that you may be interested in, give us a call/ email and we can arrange a time and date best suited for collection.

Diversity Meeting

As mentioned in last week's newsletter, our next Diversity Parent Working Party Meeting will take place on Thursday 6th February at 18:00-19:00 and will be virtual. If parents would like to attend, please email [email protected] so that the Teams link can be emailed to you. 



Parents' Evening (12th & 13th February 2025)

We are only waiting on a few more parents to book. Appointments can be booked by selecting Parents' Evening Spring 2025 on your homepage. Parents from split households can request separate parents evening bookings when selecting their time. 

If you're having any difficulty with your booking, please contact the school office who will be able to offer assistance. 



NSPCC Number Day

Just a reminder that next Friday 7th February we will be celebrating NSPCC Number Day!

On this day, we encourage children to come to school dressed as a number. It could be anything - from a football shirt with a number on the back, to a birthday badge to show how old they are, big numbers, small numbers, whatever you can think of! The children will be doing fun number-themed activities in their maths lessons.

Also, in KS2, we will be participating in another TT Rock Stars competition. The last one was a BIG success - let's aim even higher this time and make it a Number Day to remember!


We will be on Week 2 next week.


Don't forget to pre-book your child's meal option on Arbor! (even if your child is having a Packed Lunch) Just select the option you are choosing.

We have released ALL PTA events into the School Calendar https://www.bournvillevillageprimary.org.uk/Page/Calendar including ALL Discos, Easter events, Quiz, Leavers events all the way up to Christmas Fair in 45 weeks, on 6th Dec 2025. Take a look and get them into your calendars. We will continue to add events for each term to the calendar at the top of the newsletter, marked with "PTA".

If you want to join any of the teams, or find out more about the PTA then contact us on [email protected]

And finally...

We seem to be heading very quickly towards half term! Do keep an eye out on the calendar here for all the opportunities to come into school next half term. Finally, a reminder that the Scholastic Book Fair will be in school for Parents' Evening and also, during the last week of half term, the travelling exhibition 'City of Empire to City of Diversity' will be in school - children will be visiting this during the school day, but we will also make it available for families to visit after school each day- details to follow.

Have a good weekend all, take care and see you on Monday.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.


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