Welcome to our Weekly Newsletter- October 13th
Good afternoon families! There's lots to read in this week's newsletter so I'll keep my bit short!
Yesterday we were surprised to see double yellow lines being painted on our local roads. There had been a consultation earlier on last year but since then all had gone quiet. We do hope that the parking restrictions are effective and that they really help to ensure our children can get in and out of school safely. Thank you for your support with this.
Thankyou to parents and carers that are getting in touch via [email protected] Your ideas, comments and perspectives help us better understand the school experience our children are getting and by working together, we are much more likely to get this right!
Many of you will have picked up that we are on quite a 'school improvement journey'! This involves many aspects of school life and we have some clear priorities for 23-24 that fall into the headings of 'Quality of Education', 'Leadership & Management', 'EYFS', 'Behaviour & Attitudes' and 'Personal Development'. Please read on for more information and do get in touch if you'd like to know more.
Enjoy the updates and information below!

Values of The Week

Today, teachers have awarded certificates to the following children for demonstrating Respect.
KS1 | KS2 |
RC- Jonathan M | 3C- Pippa H |
RGR- Meadow H-R | 3O- Lenny T |
RR- Maisy M | 3S- Finley S |
1C- Richard W | 4A- Jack T |
1RT- Cassius H-J | 4BE- Morgana K |
1S- Arya- Capri J-D | 4O- Evaniya J |
2ES- Jack C | 5H- Finn C |
2T- Megan A | 5HPS- Violet C |
2TJ- Georgia B | 5S- Lawrie C |
6GW- Asha A | |
6M- Kate H | |
6S- Joel C |
What's Coming Up...
Tuesday 17th | Reception and Year 1 Parent Phonic Workshop (date 2 choice) |
Thursday 19th | School Photographs |
Friday 20th | School Photographs |
Friday 20th | RR Forest School |
Friday 20th | PTS Quiz Night 7pm-11pm |
Wednesday 25th | Library Open During Parents Evening 3:30pm- 5:30pm |
Wednesday 25th | Parents Evening 3:45pm-6:15pm |
Thursday 26th | Library Open During Parents Evening 3:30pm- 5:30pm |
Thursday 26th | Parents Evening 3:45pm-6:15pm |
Friday 27th | RR Forrest School |
Friday 27th | ECO Event (more details to come) |
Lunchtime Ambassadors
Miss Stone, our Year 6 Phase leader, has rewarded the following children with the Play Ambassador responsibility as the following children have shown that they have the skills, attitude and motivation to lead play activities during lunchtime.
Our new Play Ambassadors are...
Name |
Lailah A |
Erica B |
Chloe R |
Norah L |
Polly M |
Layla S |
Oscar V |
Lunchtime Clubs
In order to give our children plenty to do during their one-hour lunchbreak (as well as eating lunch!) our teachers are starting a range of clubs. We will let children know about these on Monday, but if you want to have a look ahead, there are details on our website here.
Just to note: At lunchtime, Netball with Miss Tichelly will be on a Wednesday and Year 5 Outdoor Games will be on a Thursday. This is soon be ammended on the website.
School Improvement Priorities for 23-24!
- Improve writing, maths and phonics pupil outcomes
- Improve our provision for children with SEND
- Increase the capacity of our leadership team
- Increase pupil leadership
- Improve the lunchtime experience for our children
- Improve the quality of our teacher assessment
- Eliminate bullying
- Introduce a Values Curriculum
- Develop our Personal Development Curriculum
- Maximise the impact of our teaching assistants
- Embed our Values, Behaviour and Relationship Policy
- Improve the transition from EYFS to Year 1
Calling all chess champions
Is your child in Year 6 and considers themselves a pro chess player? Then why not sign them up to our chess team! We have entered Warwickshire Chess Association's Primary School Championship and we need as many budding chess champs as we can get. The first round will take place in November and the final will be Spring 2024. We will contact you with exact dates once they have been confirmed. If your child is interested, please email [email protected] to sign them up.
Music News
Last week we announced our Year 6 music ambassadors in assembly. Congratulations to these children on becoming BVP’s first ever music ambassadors!
Choir and Hand Bell Concert- Birmingham Town Hall 10th December
This week we handed out ticket order forms for this exciting concert. All tickets can be ordered and paid for by contacting Sally Powell at Phoenix Singers directly. Please don’t send your order forms into school. Mrs Vaughan will distribute the tickets once they have been processed by Sally.
Music Ambassadors Report
"This week we helped Mrs Vaughan organise music for the Friday celebration assembly. We asked the guitar group to play. The pieces were 'A Rosa Vermelha' and 'Andalucia' and they played brilliantly. I really hope that this will inspire our younger guitar players." Reporter- Erin 6S
CBSO Family Concert: Fairy Tales
On Saturday I went to the CBSO music concert at the Symphony Hall where an amazing band played lots of pieces and one of my favourite parts was when the compare did a small poem. I loved it!!! Everyone there was so talented and musical (plus it was free!). As a music ambassador it really helped too boost up my confidence in music and performing. Thank you CBSP for giving us this opportunity. (Norah 6GW)
Congratulations - You are a super musician!
Congratulations to A who recently achieved a merit in her grade 2 viola. This is a fantastic achievement. We’re all really proud of you A, well done.
You can check out our music timetable here.
Time to get your quiz on
Just a reminder, if you are thinking of putting a team together for the Quiz Night on Friday 20th October, there is still time to add tickets to your ParentPay accounts. Your team leader just needs to submit your form before 16th October. Doors open at 19:00, food at 19:30 and the quiz will start at 20:00 with a firm stop at 23:00. Tickets cost £10 and includes a fish/sausage/spring roll and chip supper. It's a great night out and certainly one for new parents - you won't be disappointed.
BYOB and snacks for the table, and we will be having sit down bingo plus, our tuck shop will be open for business.
You can find out more here and make your booking here.
Message From Pastoral Team
At BVP we believe that caring is sharing and want to impart our knowledge and resources to help our families better support themselves and their children for good health and wellbeing.
This week we'd like to share with you this online directory for health and wellbeing services: https://the-waitingroom.org/
Developed by Common Unity and Forward For Life, TWR provides you with links to 100’s of Birmingham and Solihull based services that can help you take more control of your own health and wellbeing. It also provides links to key national organisations that can help you be more informed of the options available.
We work hard to highlight services that can best meet your needs, whatever your needs. If you need to find services that provide housing, or welfare benefit advice, or educational support, or employment support, safeguarding links or knowledge about faith organisations - the Waiting Room puts this information and much more at your fingertips.
Supported by Birmingham Public Health and the NHS for Birmingham and Solihull, The Waiting Room is the health and wellbeing directory for you and your communities. Through sharing TWR across Birmingham and Solihull we can all start to make a real difference to everybody’s health and wellbeing.
Message from Katie Walker- Bailey-... Our Attendance Ambassador!
Every half-day absence from school, by law, must be classified as either authorised or unauthorised. This is why information about the cause of absence is always asked for.
AUTHORISED ABSENCE (where the school approves pupil absence). These are mornings or afternoons away from school for a valid reason such as illness, emergency medical or dental appointments (routine appointments should always be made out of school hours) and emergencies. An absence due to religious observance that falls within school term time, subject to a maximum of 2 days annually, will be considered. An authorised absence will still affect your child’s absence percentage.
UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE (where the school does not approve absence). An absence is classified as Unauthorised if the reason was not recognised as acceptable. The Department for Education (DfE) and Local Education Authorities provide information for schools as to what is acceptable and what is not.
These include-
A cough; common cold; birthday treat; tiredness; meeting relatives; sibling unwell; new baby; Mum/Dad unwell; holidays; 11+ Revision; days out; not being able to bring your child to school.
As always, if you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to get in touch via [email protected]
Maths and Black History Month - The incredible life of Katherine Johnson
Katherine Johnson (1918-2020) was a trailblazing American mathematician who made significant contributions to NASA during the early space race. Growing up, she faced racial and gender discrimination but excelled academically, graduating in mathematics and French. In 1953, Johnson joined NASA, where her exceptional mathematical skills made her an important part of the team. Johnson performed complex calculations by hand as a ‘human computer’, and her work was vital for ensuring the safety of space missions. One of her most notable achievements was her work on John Glenn's historic 1962 space flight, where her calculations were responsible for a successful mission. She became the first African-American woman to receive credit for her contributions to a NASA mission. In 2015, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President Barack Obama. Katherine Johnson passed away in 2020, leaving behind a legacy of determination, intelligence, and the impact of her pioneering work in science and mathematics.
Reading For Pleasure!
Last week on, Thursday 5th October, it was National Poetry Day. Poetry is an important part of our English curriculum, but also something we like to read for pleasure with the children. Poetry nurtures creativity, language skills, and emotional expression. At BVPS, we cherish sharing poetry with the children because it opens doors to imagination, empathy, and cultural understanding. Why not share some poetry with your child? Visit the National Poetry Day website to explore some poets and poems on this year’s theme: Refuge.
"Who's Behind The Book?" THE REVEAL!
Did you guess who was behind the book last week?
Who's Behind The Book?
This week, another staff member is hiding behind a BVPS favourite - “Here we are” by Oliver Jeffers. Can you guess who it is?
Calling all Budding Astronomers, Astronauts, or Space Engineers!
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock.
Maggie was born in London in 1968. She is a British space scientist and science educator who is well known for her role presenting the BBC television programme, The Sky at Night. As a child, she told her teacher that she wanted to be an astronaut but her teacher suggested that she try nursing instead. Pursuing her interests, Maggie has had a long career working on space science projects for industry, the government and universities.
Online Safety
This short video is designed to give parents tips on how to allow their child become a digital user safely.
Parents Evening Bookings
As we are sure you are all aware, parents evening is just around the corner and the time has come to book your slot!
The booking window opened today (13th October) and closes at 12pm on the 26th October.
All bookings can be made directly via the Arbor app or Arbor web portal.
If you have any trouble accessing this, please get in touch via phone (0121 6759098) or email ([email protected]).
Afterschool Bake Sale!
Our ECO Group have organised a Bake Sale on Friday 27th October, after school in the George Hall.
Please see below some of their lovely posters with more information for you...
School Dinner- Weekly Menus
WEEK ONE | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Macaroni cheese with garlic slice | Minced beef and onion pie with mashed potato | Roast Beef | Pepperoni Pizza | Cheese burger served in a bap |
Fish fingers with new potatoes | Quorn sausage with mash potato | Quorn Roast | Margarita Pizza | Quorn burger served in a bap |
Filled jacket potato | BBQ chicken/ quorn wraps with pomme potatos | Mixd pepper and tomato pasta backe with garlic slice | Vegetable samosa | Vegan dippers |
Sides- beans or seasonal veg | Sides- beans or peas | Served with stuffing, roast potatos and fresh seasonal veg | Sides- chuncky chips, baked beans or peas | Sides- potato waffles and seasonal veg |
Banana muffina | Jam sponge with custard | Crumble and custard | Chocolate cracknell | Icecream |
Fruit salad | Fruit salad | Fruit salad | Fruit salad | Jelly |
WEEK TWO | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wendesday | Thursday | Friday |
Spaghetti carbonara with garlic slice | Sizzling sausages | Roast chicken with stuffing | Ham and pineapple pizza | All day breakfast |
Bubble fish with roast new potatos | Quorn sausages | Quorn roast with stuffing | Margarita pizza | Veg all day breakfast |
Cauliflower and broccoli pasta bake | Ham or cheese wrap served with potato wedges | Super veg pasta with garlic slice | Lincolnshire fishcake | Vegetable noodles |
Side- sweetcorn | Served with mash, vegetables, yorkshire pudding and gravy | Sides- gravy and seasonal vegetables | Sides- Chunky chips, baked beans or peas | Sides- Hash browns, beans or peas |
Chocolate muffins | Homemade marble sponge and custard | Crumble and custard | Flapjack | Assorted ice cream |
Jelly | Fruitsalad | Mousse | Fruitsalad |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Homemade chicken curry with naan and rice | Beef cottage pir | Roast turkey with stuffing | Pork sausage | Beef spaghetti bolognaise with garlic slice |
Homemade potato and mixed veg curry with naan and rice | Macaroni cheese qith garlic slice | Quorn roast with stuffing | Quorn sausage | Fish of the day |
Filled jacket potato | Cheese or tuna sandwich | Filled Jacket potato | Margarita pizza | Cheese pasty |
Side- Seasonal veg | Side- potato waffles and seasonal veg | Side- roast potatoes and fresh seasonal veg | Side- chunky chips, bakes beans or peas | Sides- pomme potatoes and seasonal vegetables |
Pinapple wupside down sponge | Chocolate sponge with custard | Fruit crumble and custard | Cheesecake | Assorted ice cream |
Mousse | Fruit salad | Jelly |
Fresh seasonal salad bar with fresh bread available daily as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit.
Going On In Your Area...
Calling all tennis players
Sortszone are currently working at your school as the PE coach teaching a variety of different sporting activities including tennis.
As a follow on, we would like to invite your child to attend the Mini Tennis Academy at Weloey Tennis Club starting after October half term.
During the course the children will improve their co ordination, ball skills, stroke development and have lots of fun.
Course Details
Venue: Weoley Hill Tennis Club Weoley Hill, Selly Oak, B29 (Off Middlepark Road, which is off the Bristol Road opposite Bournville Police Station)
- All equipment provided
- Cost £36 .00 for 6 weeks. All year round programme during term time
- All year round program with opportunity for players to progress through mini tennis program and be intergrated into Weoley Hill Tennis Club.
- Tennis Coach: Mary Glasby LTA level 2 qualified coach
Dates: Dates: Week commencing Sunday 12th November – Sunday 17th December (6 weeks)
Session Times | Venue | Spaces Available | Year Group |
Sunday 12.30 - 1.15pm | Weoley Hill Tennis Club | 6 | Reception |
Sunday 1.15pm - 2.00pm | Weoley Hill Tennis Club | 6 | Year 1 |
Sunday 2.00pm - 3.15pm | Weoley Hill Tennis Club | 6 | Year 2 |
- Enrolment
- To reserve your place please email Stacy Tichelly on [email protected]. As there are only 6 places per group please only email if you definetly would like a place .
- Please reserve your place no later than Wednesday 25th
- (You must reserve a place before you attend). Confirmation will be sent of your place or if you are on waiting list.
- If we get over subscribed we may be able to put on additional classes.
- Payment will not be required until after the 1st session
If you require any more information please email Stacy at [email protected] or ring 07515645474
And Finally...
Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend and here's hoping the sunshine makes an appearance at some point! Take care folks and we will see you on Monday.