Welcome to your newsletter for week ending November 29th
What an amazing end to the day... our first 'Celebrating our Cultures Day' was a huge hit across the school. During the day children learnt all about a specific country and then shared their learning in assemblies this afternoon. After school, families joined us to share and enjoy different foods and cultures from around the world. It was so wonderful to see our school family united. Thankyou to everyone who has supported this event- our Right Respecting School Ambassadors were thrilled with the efforts everyone went to and we cannot wait to do it all again in the Spring term. Have a look on the website calendar for the date!
Read on to see what else we've been up to this week!
What's Coming Up
Date | Organised by... | Event |
Mon 2nd Dec | School | Parents/ Families Diversity Working Party Meeting 2pm-3:15pm -all welcome |
Tues 3rd Dec | School | KS2 Maths Workshop for Parents and Carers15:20 - 16:15 Focus on our Calculation Policy, Language and Visual Representations (not really a focus for Year 6 as they will have a separate meeting). |
Fri 6th December | PTA | Donate any good quality books, DVDs, toys, wellies, overcoats for sale at the Fair AND donate any cakes, biscuits to stock the Christmas Cafe at the Fair |
Sat 7th December | PTA | Christmas Fair 11:00 - 15:00. Stall holders arrive at 09:00. Volunteers at 10:30 or 12:30 for their slot. Recommended last entry at 14:30 to see Santa. |
Tues 10th December | PTA | Year 1 Disco 15:20 - 16:30 (Elizabeth Hall) - on Arbor now |
Thurs 12th December | PTA | Year 2/3 Disco 15:20 - 17:00 (George Hall) - on Arbor now |
Thurs 12th December | PTA | Year 4/5/6 Disco 18:00 - 19:30 (George Hall) - on Arbor now |
Fri 13th December | School | Carols in the Playground (14:00 gates open for Parents/families, 14:30 - 15:00 singing, and then dismiss at normal time through normal doors) and then Christmas Cake Raffle draw after end of School. |
Mon 16th December | School | Reception and Yr2 Carol Service in School 09:00 - 09:45 Families welcome! |
Wed 18th December | School | Y1 Nativity Service 09:00 - 09:45 At St Francis Church. Families welcome! |
Wed 18th December | School | Christmas Music Concert 14:20 -15:10 Performance for Families of the... School Orchestra, School Choir, Yr3/4 Singing Group and Recorder Group! |
Thurs 19th Dec | School | KS2 Carol Service in School 09:00 - 09:45 |
Friday 20th December | PTA | Christmas Raffle draw and End of Term! |
This weeks Attendance Armadillos are...
Message from NHS
The NHS are asking parents to take a few minutes to read the toy safety information below.
On Sunday 8th December the BVP Choir will perform alongside other choirs at the Birmingham Festival Choral Society. The concert is at Ladywood Arc (St. Peter and St. John's Church), Darnley Road, Birmingham, B16 8TF.
We don't have exact timings from BFCS yet however initial suggestions are that we rehearse at 2.00pm with the concert starting at 4.00pm. We should be all done by 6.30pm (including a visit from Santa!)
Parents and family members are welcome to watch the concert; 'pay on the door'- tickets are £10.00 including a programme. We have nominated St.Basil's as our charity for the event.
Calling all TT Rock Stars! Next Friday is a very special date - 6/12/24, also known as Doubles Day, as each number in the date is doubled! If you log in to TT Rock Stars on this date, you will find some unique guitar avatar items available in the store for one day only - after that, they will be gone FOREVER! So, don't forget to login this week, get practicing, earn some coins and get the double guitar of your dreams.
Rock on, BVP!

Lots of good things coming up this half term to help us get all the way to 20th Dec when we break up...
Christmas Events:
Tombola Donations
Thank you to all that were able to donate a gift for the Tombola today. They will all be used next Saturday at the Fair. If you forgot, or wanted to get something over this weekend, then please do bring into School next week anytime in a bag marked "PTA Tombola" and it will be added, no worries!
Christmas Card Orders
All orders have been processed and distributed through class. Any problems let us know. Thanks to Becki and Andri for sorting that out so smoothly this year!
Christmas Raffle & Cake Raffle
Tickets are now available on Arbor for the Christmas Raffle Draw £1 per entry. The draw will take place on 20th December. We have also secured a repeat donation of a Cake to raffle off - so Christmas Cake Raffle Tickets are on Arbor. £1 per entry with the draw on 13th December during the Carols in the Playground event.
Christmas Fair 7th December 11:00 - 15:00
Come and join us next Saturday at the Christmas Fair. Doors open at 11:00 with the Yr5/6 choir and then 3/4 singing group at 12:30. Santa's Grotto will be open straight away to secure your 15-minute slot to visit (£2.50 per child) so you don't have to queue. You will be able to enjoy craft (50p), games (20p), tombola, (20p) silent disco (free), Parent Gift Room (£5 for 1 gift, or £8 for 2 gifts carefully selected by your kids and helped to wrap in secret), cafe (with hot drinks, cold drinks, cakes, samosas, crisps) (price list applies), uniform/books/DVDs (pay what you can), Christmas Story time (free) and we hope to have the mulled wine going again. So, no matter what the weather outside, inside the George Hall will be a warm, inviting and cosy for you to enjoy.
We have also got a great bunch of designer/makers from the community and some exciting enterprises from ex-pupils and existing pupils alike including 3D printing, bracelets, cards, key rings, bag charms. You could call it B-etsy.
If you have any good quality books, DVDs, toys, wellies, overcoats that you want to donate onto those that need it we will be running a pay what you feel shop at the Fair. Thanks for those that have already told us that they are donating. It is really appreciated! Bring them in on 6th December.
Year 6 Volunteers and Parents
Well done - this is most we have had volunteer ever! As per the text message that you would have received, please do arrive on time, sign in under the Christmas Tree, get allocated to where we need you, listen carefully, do a good job, ask for support from the grown-ups around you, be polite and help everyone have a good time. It matters because you'll need to do this eventually as you move into secondary school and get part time jobs as you get older AND it all makes for great Year 6 Leavers celebrations next summer. You'll be fine! We trust you!

Above anything else, its' really important that you feel able to come along and enjoy the Christmas Fair. We promise that once you have a slot for Santa you will wait no longer than 15 minutes to see him. We promise that there will be price busting fun things to do so it shouldn't be an expensive day out.
We promise that the atmosphere in the George Hall will be like nothing else you've seen before. We promise that you can get some quiet time in the silent disco in the Canteen downstairs. We promise that there will be space for you to buy (or bring) lunch and eat it. And we promise that by the time your kids are in Year 6 you will be wishing that everyone comes along to make it a great opportunity to be part of a really successful event! Pop it in your diary now.
We will always include next weeks menu in our newsletters but if you would like to look at all menus for this half term, you can check our school website here: https://www.bournvillevillageprimary.org.uk/Page/Detail/school-meals
How to book school dinners & packed lunches
Once you opened your Arbor App go to Menu>> School Meals>> Autumn Term 2024/2025>> Select the chosen day of the week and confirm your child's meal choice>>
If you tick the box to "pick for all future dates" it will apply the same meal choice until the end of term e.g if you tick the box for a Monday meal, it will add it to all Monday's till the end of term.
*If you're having any difficulty with this, please contact the school office for assistance*

And finally...
We wanted to extend a huge thank you to the parent and child who helped our Speech and Language expert Emma Daley this afternoon. She left school and found that she'd got a flat tyre... and was then rescued by a good BVP Samaritan (and child)! Emma is now getting the tyre fixed and has asked us to extend a huge thank you to the anonymous superheroes!
Thank you for your support again this week... as we head towards the end of term we know things will get super busy. Please know that even in the busiest of times, our door is always open.
Take care all and see you on Monday!
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.

Going On In Your Area...
Stage2 Youth Theatre
Stage2 Youth Theatre is back for the Spring Term, with sessions running every Sunday from 12th January – 6th April (no sessions Feb 16th for half term) at Queensbridge School, for anyone aged 7-21!
We have a variety of options available, including Stage1 (which is our workshop for 7–11-year-olds!), workshops focussed on ensemble work and a Pic ‘n’ Mix option with a different drama theme each week, as well as our Spring Show, Tales from Ovid.
Booking is available on our website for all options: www.stage2.org
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or if you would like more detail!