Welcome to your newsletter for week ending November 15th
Today we celebrated children going over and above to show Responsibility in and around school. It's always such a pleasure to present certificates in our end of week Values Assemblies- well done to the children below.
We've also had a busy couple of weeks of sport. Last week our Year 6 Boy's Football Team had an amazing match against Turves Green and won 13-0! Last night we took a team of 34 children to Kings Norton Rhinos RFC for a Cross Country Event. See below for some of the results. And this afternoon our Year 5/6 Girls' Football team played a friendly against St. Francis... read on for more information.
Our teachers are putting on a range of clubs at lunchtimes now, and many of these are on the request of our amazing children! At the moment we have Dinosaur Clubs, Lego Clubs, an Origami Club, Chess and lots lots more. If your children are keen to join in, please ask them to listen out for details in assemblies or ask their teachers what is currently on offer.
As the weather is turning colder, please ensure children have a warm coat with them every day. And as hats and gloves start to make an appearance, please ensure these are named too!
What's Coming Up
Monday 18th November | STEM workshops for KS2 children with the University of Birmingham |
Monday 19th November | STEM workshops for KS2 children with the University of Birmingham |
Tuesday 19th November | Reception Stay and Learn Workshop for Parents and Carers- 2pm-3:15pm |
Tuesday 19th November | Parent Voice Meeting - virtual 6pm-7pm See below for more details |
Thursday 21st November | Year 6 SATs workshop for parents and carers 3:30-4:30pm |

Values of the Week

Today the teachers presented the Values Certificates to the following children for demonstrating Responsibility.
Twirls- Ada | Buttons- Edie | Snaps- Oliver |
1C- Nora | 1S- Audrey | 1R- Amelia |
2T- Ivy | 2TJ- Sienna | 2O- Avneet |
3B- Lillian | 3P- Hannah | 3S- Leo |
4EW- Abdullah | 4C- Bela | 4BW- Lily-Mae |
5H- Billy | 5S- Dougie | 5LS- Elze |
6S- Luisa | 6M- Lyra | 6OG- Dylan |

Today we celebrated the end of Anti-Bullying week and Children in Need with some wonderful painted faces, which was the children's choice following all classes voting for a range of options using our 'democracy station'. Thankyou to all those who joined in with the fun.

Sports News!

Well done to the Girls' 5/6 Football team who played an amazing game against St.Francis tonight. After some nail-biting scores (and saves!) they finished at 5-5. The girls played their socks off and we were super proud of them all. Well done team!

On Thursday evening a squad of 34 boys and girls from KS2 ran some incredible Cross Country Races against 4 other schools with around 50 children competing in each race. We will be celebrating all runners and presenting medals in assembly next week, but we are proud to announce the following results for some of the team...
Year 3/4 Girls' race- 1st Maddie and 2nd Scarlett
Year 3/4 Boys' race - 2nd George
Year 5/6 Girls' race- 3rd Anna
Year 5/6 Boys' race- 2nd Charlie, 3rd James
The final positions for the 5/6 races.. The Girls came 2nd and the Boys came 1st out of all the schools!
We were so proud of every single runner; whether they were placed or not, the school team support for all competitors was incredible. Go BVP!

Our next Parent Voice meeting is going to be held via Teams on Tuesday 19th November 6-7pm. It's another chance to ask questions, give feedback and pose ideas for working parties and other parent/ carer involvement in school life. If you are able to come along, please email Jogita via [email protected] so she can send you the link.
Dates for upcoming meetings (one per half term) are all on the website calendar here-htthttps://www.bournvillevillageprimary.org.uk/Page/Calendarps://www.bournvillevillageprimary.org.uk/Page/Calendar

Thankyou for listening to our plea for scooter riders and cyclists to be wearing helmets! We haven't spotted a single child this week without one! Brilliant!

It has been a busy couple of weeks in the Cottage and we have had a wonderful time catching up on your children’s news.
Talking of news…… We have now added a third member to our pastoral Team, Miss Emma Cummins has now officially joined the BVP family and we are all very excited. Although Emma has been with us since September and is know to many of our children, she has now changed role and will be based in the Cottage with the Team.
We know many of you have now downloaded the myhappymind app and we wanted to remind you that there are lots of Mini Master Classes on their that can support with a range of issues from meltdowns, to self esteem and separation anxiety. If you haven’t had a chance to download the app yet please see below for instructions on how to do this.
Below are two links to websites that have a whole host of information to support families and their children.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require support or have concerns about your child, either by telephoning the main office or via our email [email protected]
Have a safe, peaceful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Click here for the Welcome to Birmingham Bulletin

School dinners
We would like to remind all parents that you can pre-book your children's dinners on the Arbor app! This will help reduce the number of incorrect meal charges. You can select whether your child has school dinner (halal option available as well) or a packed lunch from home (This really helps us in the office when children select a different option).
Once you opened your Arbor App go to Menu>> School Meals>> Select Autumn Term 2024/2025>> Select the chosen day of the week and confirm your child's meal choice>>
If you tick the box to "pick for all future dates" it will apply the same meal choice until the end of term e.g if you tick the box for a Monday meal, it will add it to all Monday's till the end of term.
If you're having any difficulty with this, please contact the school office for assistance!

And finally...
Thank you for all your support this week- whether it's been coming in for more 'Stay and Learn' sessions, volunteering to help with the school library or supporting children at sporting events, you've done an incredible job.
We hope you all get to have a moment of rest over the weekend and we look forward to seeing you back in on Monday, bright and early.
Take care all.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.