Welcome to your newsletter for week ending June 28th 

This week we have welcomed our newest members of the BVP family to school. Our new children and new/ returning(!) parents and carers came for another visit and some time to get to know us a bit better. Some of our House Captains greeted and supported the families brilliantly and it seemed so fitting that our 'soon to be leavers' were giving such a warm and friendly welcome to our newbies!

Mid week saw the return of our last Year 6 class from their residential- they had a fabulous time and made the most of the lovely summer weather, and based on the hugely positive feedback from staff and pupils, we have already booked next year's Year 6 residential visit at the same centre.

Yesterday Year 5 put on a fabulous Year Group Assembly and really did themselves proud, in front of a packed audience. And then today all staff have been working hard with medical training, developing and maximising the deployment of our incredibly important teaching assistants and finally, developing story-telling to bring our curriculum to life! Our office team have started populating the calendar with next year's key events and opportunities for you to be involved in school life- it just needs a quick check over and then you will be able to see everything on the website calendar. 

Read on for more news about the week!

What's Coming Up

Monday 1st Transition Session - AM
Tuesday 2nd July Reception and Year 1 Disco (15:20 - 16:30)
Year 5 & 6 annual Music Evening- 18:00-20:00 in George Hall
Wednesday 3rd Year 6 Transition Day and whole day for Rec-5 in new classes
Thursday 4th Transition Session - AM
Friday 5th July Sports Day- see below for more details
PTA Quiz Night
Monday 8th July SEND Support Group with SENDCo Phillipa May 14:00-15.20 for parents and carers of children with additional needs.
Wednesday 10th Non- School Uniform Day (wear pick or blue- St Mary's colours) - St Mary's Fundraiser (50p donation)
Open Parents' Evening (15:30-16:30) A chance for you to look at children's work and discuss anything from your child's school report (reports will be with you before this date). No appointment required.
Thursday 11th July Year 2/3 Disco (15.20-17.00)
Year 4/5 Disco (18.00-19.30)
Fiday 12th Year 2 Ukulele Concert

Sports Day 5th July

Reminder to all families that Sports Day is next Friday 5th July from 09:00-11:00 in the Cadbury Fields. Can all children come to school in their PE kits, along with a t-shirt in their house colour. (Don't worry if children don't have a T shirt in their colour as we have some coloured bands that they can wear.)

Oak- Red

Maple- Blue

Sycamore- Yellow

Beech- Green

Parents- please meet us at the fields- we can't wait to see you there!

This week's winners are:

* ASHA (Reception) - RGR

* AXEL (KS1) - 1S

* ATTIE (KS2) - 3O

Year 4 Sea Life Centre Trip

The children, staff and parent helpers had a great time at the National Sea Life Centre last week. The children explored all of the different areas and learned about being a 'Sea Defender' to help look after our oceans.  The tunnel under the ocean was very exciting but the penguins were the definite favourite!

Year 5 Road Safety Trip

This week, Y5 took part in a road safety workshop run by DPD.

The children learned how to be road safety stars, particularly being safe around HGVs when crossing the road. The children got to meet Evie, the parcel delivery robot, and climbed up into the cab of an HGV to get a first-hand experience of what a driver can see.

It’s been another busy week for music, especially for our more experienced musicians who have been working hard towards our evening concert on Tuesday 2nd July and our appearance at the Youth Proms in the Symphony Hall on Monday 8th July. I know Year 2 have also been working hard towards their ukulele concert on 12th July.

Children taking part in the concert on 2nd July, please note…

On Tuesday 2nd July could all children taking part in the evening concert please bring in their instruments and music for an afternoon rehearsal. This includes an orchestral rehearsal with Mr Ali. There will be no orchestra practice after school.

Could all children arrive at 5.30pm (5.20pm for violin and viola players), so they can warm up with their teachers and be ready for a 6pm start.


Peripatetic Music Lessons – date of last lesson

As we are now coming towards the end of music lessons for the year, if your child is stopping lessons or leaving school, please can you ensure that your child returns their instrument to school after their last lesson. Could keyboard players please return their instrument next week.

Last peripatetic music lessons for the term:

Woodwind with Mrs Taylor Monday 8th July

Bassoon with Mr Brookes Monday 8th July

Oboe with Mrs Morson Tuesday 9th July

Keyboard with Mr Joshi Tuesday 2nd July

Violin with Ms Scott Wednesday 10th July

Brass with Mr Ali Wednesday 17th July

Guitar (Thursday) with Mr Reed 4th July

Guitar and Ukulele (Friday) with Mr Reed 12th July

Percussion with Ms Reid Friday 12th July

School Choir

Monday 1st July will be our last rehearsal for Year 6 choir members, as the following week we are in the Symphony Hall for the Youth Proms.


Monday 15th July will be a rehearsal for Year 4 and 5 choir members only when they will have a chance to work with our new choir leader Rachael Stidwell. If there are any Year 4 and 5 children who would like to join the choir in September, they are more than welcome to come along. Please let Mrs Vaughan know.

Date Event Info
2nd July Year 5 and 6 Evening Concert The concert starts at 18:00 and will finish at 19:30 approx. The concert will feature our Year 5 and 6 woodwind, brass, violin/viola players, percussion players, elite guitar ensemble, Year 5 and 6 choir members, school orchestra and Year 6 Hand Bell Group.
No Orchestra Today There will be a rehearsal during the day on Tuesday.
3rd July No Violin Lessons Today No Violin Lessons Today- Brass lessons are on
4th July All Guitar and Ukulele Lessons on Thursday 4th July Due to sports day on Friday 5th July, all guitar and ukulele lessons will take place on Thursday 4th July. Could all guitar and ukulele players please bring their instruments in on that day.
8th July Choir cancelled No choir due to Youth Proms Concert
Youth proms Youth Proms Choir and orchestra to Symphony Hall (Parents to pick up from Symphony Hall- 21:15)
12th July Year 2 Ukulele and Recorder concert The concert will be held in George Hall from 14:00-15:00
15th July Choir for current year 4 and 5 ONLY Choir being taken by Mrs Stidwell (Mrs Vaughan will also be there)

Pastoral Parent Survey

We are continuing to develop our provision and we want to make sure we are providing the support you and your families need. We are passionate about providing the best levels of care and support for all of our BVP family, as parents and carers- you are the people best placed to feedback to us how we are doing and what needs to be improved. If you could take some time to complete the Pastoral Survey, it will give you an opportunity to share your experiences and views. This will then be used to inform our plans moving forward in September, your voice really does matter. Click here to complete the survey.

Guinea Pig Update!

This week Dolly and Hillary have truly made themselves at home. We are beginning to see their unique personalises already. Hillary is bold, a little cheeky and loves a cuddle, while Dolly is more reserved but enjoys a stoke and eating from your hand. It has been a joy to see the children responding to each of their characters in such considerate and thoughtful ways.


Have a lovely weekend, The Pastoral Team x

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Tex- Mex campfire chilli served with rice (VE) Chicken/ Quorn (V) Sunday style roast dinner (halal and non halal) Piri Piri Chicken served with rice Loaded pizza slices (V)
Curry club chickpea and spinach korma (V) Meatballs with a tomato sauce served with pasta honey glazed quorn roast Garden vegetable lasagna served with a garlic slice (V) Fish of the day served with chip shop curry sauce
Cheese and potato pie with butterbeans (V)
SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables , creamed potatoes or roast potatoes (VE) SIDES-Fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) SIDES- served with baked beans or peas and chips (VE)
Lemon drizzle cake with custard (V) Chocolate cracknel (V) banana flapjack served with custard (V) Forest fruit sponge (V) Ice cream flavored tub (V)

Fresh seasonal salad bar and fresh bread available daily, as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit and fruit yoghurts.

7 Ways to support the PTA...

1) Book your Quiz Night tickets for 5th July. Click Here - tickets available on Arbor to purchase. 

2) Buy Raffle Tickets for the End of Term Raffle Draw - available on Arbor - draw on 19th July at 11:00 - if you have anything that you want to donate to promote your business/support the school please send email to [email protected] with the details

3) Buy disco tickets. We will need the +60 volunteers again! Join the team by sending text message to 07974331102

4) Bring books in - The Big Book Giveaway worked well - we will do it again! 

5) Bring unwanted uniform in - we are always looking for good quality pre-loved uniform for the School Shop

6) Year 6 buy your Production recording on Arbor now!

7). Volunteer to help with Year 6 Leavers events: send a text to 07974331102


And finally...

Time feels like it's whizzing by and we almost don't have enough time to fit in everything that we want to do. Last week we mentioned the 'Celebrating Our Culture' days that our Rights Respecting School Ambassadors want to run. Unfortunately there just isn't space for us to fit one of these in before the end of term, but we have diarised one per term for 24-25.

We hope you all get to see some sunshine over the weekend and we can't wait to welcome children back on Monday when they will have their first morning in their new classes (please enter through usual doors as children will go to their current classes first.)

Take care all!



Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.


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