Welcome to your newsletter for week ending June 14th

Another busy week at BVP with all sorts of activities going on in and around school. On Tuesday we had the pleasure of taking some of our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors to attend a whole day of 'Diana Award Anti-Bullying Training'. Our children were fabulous- a real credit to BVP and their families- and we look forward to telling you more next week about the training and importantly, how we are going to use this training to increase positive behaviour and get even closer to our aim of having a 'bullying behaviour free school.'

We have had a range of feedback this year about the amount of emails and messages we send out... and are continuing to try and find the right balance! We are also working on ensuring that between the weekly newsletter and the website, you have almost all of the information you need. Let us know if you have a particular opinion about this!

As we are heading towards the end of the term, thoughts turn to our children's transition to their next school year. Further down the newsletter, you will find details of your children's next teacher and teaching assistant. Following some staff movement, we are still in the process of recruiting for two class teachers and therefore we do have two vacancies at the moment. We will let you know the names of the new class teachers as soon as possible. 

You will notice that there are some names missing from the list... Mr Adkins and Mrs Hennessy-Priest are moving away from BVP at the end of the term for new and exciting adventures and in future newsletters we will be giving Rob and Julia a proper and well-deserved spotlight!

What's Coming Up

Monday 17th 6M residential (17/06 -19/06)
4BE Sea Life Centre Trip
Wednesday 19th Year 3 Think Tank Trip
6GW Residential (19/06-21/06)
Friday 21st June RGR Forest School
4O & 4A Sea Life Centre Trip
Parent Voice Meeting (9:30-10:30)
Tuesday 2nd July Reception and Year 1 Disco (15:20 - 16:30)
Friday 5th July PTA Quiz Night
Thursday 11th July Year 2/3 Disco (15.20-17.00)
Year 4/5 Disco (18.00-19.30)
Thursday 18th July Year 6 Leavers Assembly, BBQ, and Party (14.00-23.00)


Values of the Week

Today the teachers presented Values Certificates to the following children for demonstrating Collaboration.

RC - Alexis F 3C - Dylan SC
RGR - Edward H 3O - Aurora HS
RR - Mabel S 3S - Leo S
1C - Oliver D 4A - Billy F
1RT - Edmund P 4BE - Miles B
1S - Stefan B 4O- Adah S
2ES- Niamh C 5HPS - Thomas L
2TJ - Isabella E 5S - Dylan F
2T - Daniel D 5H - Evie G
6GW- Freddie H
6M- Aidan P (Adair M- Challenge)
6S - Sylvia M


This week's winners are:

* ASHA (Reception) - RC

* AXEL (KS1) - 2ES

* ATTIE (KS2) - 5H & 5HPS (both 100%!!!) 

Thank you all for the patience and understanding as we continue to develop our Pastoral Support. 

We know we still have some way to go before we are where we need to be.  Please be assured that we are doing everything possible to ensure that all of our BVP family receive the support they need.  We are committed to working in partnership with our families and currently, we are looking at the best way to share information and feedback about children who are receiving pastoral support.  

We will be sending out a survey soon to gain your thoughts and find how we can best support you and your children. 

Please share the lovely story below with your child, it has a beautiful message and it is one of our favourites.  We hope you enjoy it.


A reminder that we will be continuing to hold our Parent/Carer drop in sessions straight after school on a Tuesday in the George Building , we look forward to welcoming you.


Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday. Love to you all , The Pastoral Team

New Teachers for 24-25!

Current Class New Teacher(s) New Teaching Assistant (s)
RC Miss Roberts Miss Drummond
RGR Miss Casey Mrs Brown
RR Miss Swift Mrs Fathima
1RT Mrs Tucker Mrs Flemming
1S Miss Owen Mrs O'Connor
1C Miss Tomlins Mrs Plant
2TJ TBC Miss Lau
2T Mrs Spinks Mrs Peacock
2ES TBC Mrs Williams
3S Mrs Barlow (4 days) and Mrs Wilson (1 day) Mrs Ryan
3O Miss Cutler Mrs Such and Mrs Pugh
3C Mrs Edwards (4 days) and Mrs Wilson (1 day) Mrs Darwood
4A Mr Hall Mrs Parton
4O Mr Sherwin Mrs Allen
4BE Miss Samuels Miss Barratt
5H Miss Stone Mrs Mills and Miss Herborne
5S Mrs Gould (3 days) and Mrs O'Sullivan (2 days) Mrs Mills and Miss Herborne
5HPS Miss McCabe Mrs Mills and Miss Herborne

This week has been a busy one for our school orchestra and choir, who are preparing for their end of year concerts. Next week we have a number of year groups out on trips and residentials which will cause major changes to music timetables. Please could you encourage your child to look at the music board for their new lesson time or speak to their class teacher.

Music Lessons in September

Thank you to everyone who has confirmed or otherwise your wishes for music lessons in September. Mrs Vaughan is currently organising plans for September and will confirm details following our submission to the music service next week.

Date Event Info
17th June Music Lessons If your child misses their lesson next week due to a Year 6 residential or Year 3 and 4 class trips, these will be refunded.
24th June CBSO Children's Open Rehearsal If your child is interested in finding out more about the CBSO Children's Chorus, there will be an open rehearsal on Monday 24th June 5.30pm - 6.45pm at the CBSO Centre. Here's a link for more information or please contact Mrs Vaughan. https://cbso.co.uk/take-part/sing-with-the-cbso/cbso-childrens-chorus
2nd July Year 5 and 6 Evening Concert The concert starts at 18:00 and will finish at 19:30. The concert will feature our Year 5 and 6 woodwind, brass, violin/viola players, percussion players, elite guitar ensemble, Year 5 and 6 choir members, school orchestra and Year 6 Hand Bell Group.
8th July Choir cancelled No choir due to Youth Proms Concert

School Choir:

School Choir - Monday 15th July - Welcome Mrs Stidwell

Our last choir rehearsal on Monday 15th July will be for Years 4 and 5 only. Our new choir lead Mrs Stidwell will be taking this rehearsal (with Mrs Vaughan!) to hear and get to know the children. Mrs Stidwell is a highly experience choir lead and we’re delighted that she has agreed to take over the choir from Mrs Vaughan.

School Choir - Keep learning those words….

For all those choir members going to the Youth Prom please access all the resources needed for home learning. These can be found on our school website site, under ‘Our School’ and ‘Music’. Click Here

Choir members could you please learn ‘Somebody to Love’ and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Part1 and 2 from memory. Keep singing ’Sing’ and ‘We are the Young’.

Youth Prom Concert Monday 8th July

Please note tickets are now on sale for this event via B:Music- https://bmusic.co.uk/events/services-for-education-youth-proms-2024 

Who's behind the book? The reveal!

Did you guess correctly?

Can you tell who's hiding behind the book this week?

Just for fun!

Can you guess which popular book characters are hiding behind the ice creams?


Save the ice-pop!

Now the weather is warmer, have a go at designing a holder for an ice pop that will protect your hands from the cold but also shield the ice pop from the heat of the sun.

Test you holder by setting up a small investigation. Leave one ice pop uncovered in the sun. Cover a second ice pop with the holder and leave in the same place. Check on both ice pops every five minutes and monitor how fast they melt.


Top tips for choosing materials.

Bubble wrap is a good choice- it will insulate the ice pop from the heat of the sun as the tiny pockets of air trap the heat. Bubble wrap is a good insulator. White reflects heat as a white or light coloured material on the outside will keep the ice pop cool. Black paper will absorb heat and speed up how fast the ice melts.

Below is a link which provides parental advice on how to keep our children safe online.  It also provides advice for Year 6 parents on how to help keep children safe who are moving to Secondary School.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Mexican - style enchiladas with tomato sauce (VE) All day breakfast (VE) Sunday style roast dinner Spaghetti with homemade plant powered meatballs (VE) Margherita pizza slices (V)
Tuna pasta bake (VE) All day breakfast Sunday style roast dinner Halal option Chicken tikka curry Fish of the day served with chip shop curry sauce
Cheese and potato pie with butterbeans (V) Fisherman's pie with root vegetable crust (V) Chicken tikka curry Halal option
SIDES- both served with a garlic slice SIDES- served with baked beans and hash brown (VE) SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables, creamed potatoes or roast potatoes (VE) SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables and rainbow rice SIDES- served with baked beans or peas and chips (VE)
Chocolate crunch with custard Fruit jelly (V) carrot cake with vanilla frosting (V) Forest fruit sponge (V) Ice cream flavored tub (V)

Fresh seasonal salad bar and fresh bread available daily, as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit and fruit yoghurts.

By now, we hope you have heard about the exciting plans for our Year 6 leavers. We kindly ask all parents to complete the form sent out earlier this week as soon as possible. This will help with the planning process.

5 Ways to support the PTA...

1) Book your Quiz Night tickets for 5th July. Click Here - tickets available on Arbor to purchase.

2) Buy Raffle Tickets for the End of Term Raffle Draw - available on Arbor - draw on 19th July at 11:00 - if you have anything that you want to donate to promote your business/support the school please send email to [email protected] with the details

3) Buy disco tickets. We will need the +60 volunteers again! Join the team by sending text message to 07974331102

4) Bring books in - The Big Book Giveaway worked well - we will do it again!

5) Year 6: buy your Production recording on Arbor now

And finally...

We've ended the week with some sunshine and we hope it continues for you all over the weekend. Take care of yourselves and each other and we look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday. 

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.


Going On In Your Area

Word Play Festival

How Brave Is The Wren bookshop in Kings Heath is hosting a range of activities and events for Word Play Festival, taking place 15th & 16th June. some activites are free and some cost a small amount. To view their newsletter for more information please click the link below. 

Click Here


Alternatively, click the link below to go directly to the booking page and view all events and pricing.

Click Here

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