Welcome to your newsletter for week ending June 7th


Our first week back for the final half term of the academic year! We can't quite believe we are counting down the weeks to the Summer holidays! As you all know, it's been a challenging one for BVP but goodness me, what a super job you have all done in coming together as a school community- a real force! And it has been that strength and sense of school family that has carried us through the week. Thankyou.

As you may have already seen, we have been able to share some fabulously positive news with you this evening - really incredible and the update has filled us with hope.

In other news, we have (almost) finalised our staffing for September so we are hoping to be able to let families and children know who their new teachers and teaching assistants are soon. We want to make sure the transition period for all is smooth and we know for many children, the sooner they know details about classes, the more positive the process. Look out for a separate communication about this. 

Read on for more updates and info!

What's Coming Up

Thursday 13th Class Photographs- super smart uniform please!
Friday 14th RGR Forest School
Monday 17th 6M residential (17/06 -19/06)
Wednesday 19th Year 3 Think Tank Trip
6GW Residential (19/06-21/06)
Friday 21st June Year 2 Ukele Concert
RGR Forest School
Parent Voice Meeting (9:30-10:30)


Values of the Week

Today the teachers presented Values Certificates to the following children for demonstrating Collaboration.

RC - Imogen L 3C - Mae V
RGR - Nora C 3O - James B
RR - Elias A B 3S - Jenna R
1C - Jordan H 4A - Annaya M
1RT - Thomas K 4BE - Sami A
1S - Wills F 4O- Charlie S
2ES- Hin Ke W 5HPS - Seb W
Thomas W 5S - Ethan P
2TJ - Jaxon KV 5H - Joseph V
2T - Sam P 6GW- Charlotte H
6M- Youssef E
6S - Erin N

This week's winners are:

* ASHA (Reception) - RGR

* AXEL (KS1) - 1C

* ATTIE (KS2) - 5S

After a challenging week back we have been incredibly moved by the coming together of our BVP family and how our children have responded with such care and compassion. We know life can be unpredictable and that we can face times of challenge and we would like to remind you that our door is always open. We have included links to Mental Health and Wellbeing resources for additional support and advice.




Finally, we wanted to keep you updated on our Guinea Pig arrivals, this will be happening over the coming week and our new arrivals are two females. We have put much thought and consideration into the decision, seeking advice from professionals to ensure that we are able to fulfil the 5 Welfare Needs of Animals.  We also have a qualified Animal Care Manger on site. We will be collecting name suggestions at the beginning of next week. 

We will be thinking of you all over the weekend and sending our love.

The Pastoral Team

Bye-Bye, Bus!

We are eagerly trying to install a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) where the school bus used to live to enhance our school activities for playtime, class and after school. The goal is to have work started over the summer half term- funding and finances dependant!

What a wonderful musical start to the last half term of this academic year. Today Year 4 and 5 took part in a fantastic singing workshop led by Julian Wilkins, conductor of the CBSO Youth Chorus and Associate Director of the CBSO Chorus. The afternoon finished with a short showcase to parents. Thank you to everyone from the CBSO for a fabulous afternoon and to our Year 6 Music Ambassadors for their help with this event. If your child is interested in auditioning for the CBSO Children’s Chorus, please see below for details of their open rehearsal.

In school we now look forward to our evening concert on July 2nd (Mrs Vaughan’s last!) and our appearance at the Youth Proms on Monday 8th July.

Please read on for some important information…

Year 3, 4 and 5 – Music Lessons for September

Thank you to all the parents who have confirmed whether they wish their child to continue, swap or cancel music lessons in September.

As you know we have a tight deadline to submit our requirements to the Music Service and anyone who has not replied, could you please do so by 10th June, so we can offer places to our current Year 2’s.

Next year lessons will cost £7.80 per week to include the loan of an instrument. 

We are hopeful that our orchestra will continue, which is free of charge and is open to our more experienced players.

Current Year 2s – Learning an Instrument in Year 3

Thank you to all those parents who have told us that you wish your child to learn an instrument from September. We will confirm if we are able to offer a place once we have submitted our requirements to the music service, at the end of June.

Please note that we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet all requests, but we will certainly do our best to accommodate as many as we can. If that’s not possible we will be running a waiting list. Priority will be given to current Years 3,4 and 5.

Lessons will cost £7.80 per week which includes the loan of an instrument. Wherever possible lessons are taught in small groups.

Year 5 and 6 Evening Concert - Tuesday 2nd July – Mrs Vaughan’s last concert!

Thank you to those parents who have confirmed that their child is able to take part in this concert. For those parents who have not yet replied, we would appreciate confirmation or otherwise as soon as possible.

The concert starts at 6p.m. and I’m hoping will finish at 7.30 p.m. The concert will feature our Year 5 and 6 woodwind, brass, violin/viola players, percussion players, our elite guitar ensemble, Year 5 and 6 choir members, school orchestra and Year 6 Hand Bell Group. It should be a wonderful evening of music making.


School Choir - Keep learning those words….

For all those choir members going to the Youth Prom please access all the resources needed for home learning. These can be found on our school website site, under ‘Our School’ and ‘Music’.


Choir members could you please learn ‘Somebody to Love’ and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Part1 and 2 from memor. Keep singing ’Sing’ and ‘We are the Young’.

Youth Prom Concert Monday 8th July

Please note tickets are now on sale for this event via B:Music. Click here to book: https://bmusic.co.uk/events/services-for-education-youth-proms-2024 

CBSO Children’s Open Rehearsal Monday 24th June

If your child is interested in finding out more about the CBSO Children’s Chorus, there will be an open rehearsal on Monday 24th June 5.30pm – 6.45pm at the CBSO Centre.

Here’s a link for more information or please contact Mrs Vaughan.


This week, we are celebrating the amazing achievements of our KS2 children on TT Rock Stars!

Children from Y3-Y6 have been practicing their tables lots, and we are very proud to share a picture of the school leaderboard below. We’ve removed their real names, but you can see their Rockname, as well as how much their speed has improved over their time practicing on TT Rock Stars.

Wow! I can’t believe some of those scores are even less than a second! Well done children, keep up the good work – we are very proud of you 😊

Reading for Pleasure is the entitlement of every child, but how can we motivate and engage readers?

Do you have a reluctant reader at home? Does your child struggle to find books they are excited to read independently? Do they say that they find reading ‘boring’?

Below are some ideas which may help engage your child in reading for pleasure at home.

  1. Read aloud. If your child is reluctant to read alone, spend time reading aloud to them. This may help engage them in a book they feel less confident reading independently.
  2. Read as a family. Pick a book together and enjoy taking it in turns to read pages aloud. Involve everyone – brothers, sisters, grandparents, cousins etc.
  3. Book chat. Talk about what you’re reading, and talk about it with enthusiasm. Ask them about what they’ve read and encourage conversation around characters and exciting events.
  4. Talk to them about their interests. Help them find books that link to things they already enjoy – both fiction and non-fiction.
  5. Find books where they can ‘see themselves’ in the characters. This may be through personality or looks. Children love to read books where they can relate to the characters.
  6. Give your child a wide range of texts to choose from – classic texts, non-fiction books, graphic novels, magazines, and comics. There is no right or wrong book to read when you’re reading for pleasure.
  7. Be a reading role model. Let your child see you enjoying a book and share with them what you like to read. Share the books you enjoyed reading when you were their age.

Who's behind the book? The reveal!

Did you guess correctly?

Can you tell who's hiding behind the book this week?

Make Your Own Sundial!

Before the invention of clocks and watches, people used sundials to mark the passing of time. Sundials have something in the centre which casts a shadow over the markings showing what the time is. The earliest known sundial was thought to have been made by the Ancient Egyptians in 1500bc.

To make your own sun dial you will need:

  • A sunny spot
  • Pen or chalk
  • Straw or stick
  • Plasticine

Draw the shadow of the straw hourly.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Tex- Mex campfire chilli served with rice (VE) Chicken/ Quorn (V) Sunday style roast dinner Piri Piri Chicken served with rice Loaded pizza slices (V)
Curry club chickpea and spinach korma (V) Meatballs with a tomato sauce served with pasta honey glazed quorn roast Garden vegetable lasagna served with a garlic slice (V) Fish of the day served with chip shop curry sauce
Curry club chickpea and spinach korma (V) Cheese and potato pie with butterbeans (V) SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables , creamed potatoes or roast potatoes (VE) SIDES-Fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) SIDES- served with baked beans or peas and chips (VE)
SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables (VE)
Lemon drizzle cake with custard (V) Chocolate cracknel (V) banana flapjack served with custard (V) Forest fruit sponge (V) Ice cream flavored tub (V)

Fresh seasonal salad bar and fresh bread available daily, as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit and fruit yoghurts.

Big news! The school bus has gone! The school have donated it to the local fire service to help them train their crews. This is part of the ongoing efforts with the school to transform the playground into an even better space for our children to enjoy.

Here are some playground changes you can expect to see over the coming months:

  • The PTA shop’s new home- this will be moved to a shed under the shelter in the lower playground.
  • More electricity sockets are being installed to allow for more Parties in the Playground

As mentioned previously in this week newsletter, the school bus has said goodbye and we are saying hello to a new MUGA. A portion of the total payment for this change has come from PTA donations from over the last few years. If you have come to a PTA event such as Christmas Fair, Quiz night or sent your child to a school disco etc. you have helped fund this development!


As mentioned in previous newsletters, here are a few ways you can continue to support the PTA ...

1). Book your Quiz Night tickets for 5th July. Tickets available on Arbor to purchase https://bournvillehsa.wordpress.com/quiz-july-2024

2). Buy Raffle Tickets. The End of Term Raffle Draw on 19th July at 11:00 is available to purchase on Arbor. If you would like to donate to promote your business/support the school, please send email to [email protected] with the details.

3). Buy disco tickets. These are available to purchase on Abor now. We will need +60 volunteers again! Join the team by sending text message to 07974331102.

4). Bring books in. The Big Book Giveaway worked well; we will definitely do it again!

5). Bring unwanted uniform in. We are always looking for good quality pre-loved uniform for the School Shop

6). Year 6 Parents. Hoodies and Production recording on Arbor now. We would love to see ore year 6 parents assisting the leavers events, If interested, send text to 07974331102.

7). Borrow the Silent Disco Kit. We have 60 headphones, 3 transmitters (and donate to the fundraising pot on Arbor). If you know of any other Schools or Groups in the area that might want to borrow the kit let us know.

Look out for the Pop Up Ice Pop Shop after school when the weather is sunny now that we have a new freezer!

And finally...

The incredible number of positive messages around communication to you this week has been over-whelming. Thankyou so much to those who have taken the time to have a quick word at the gate or send an email. Your feedback and kind words have been very much appreciated- they have helped staff to feel supported and in turn, have given them the strength and confidence to support our children in the best possible way. 

Please bear with me if you have sent in an email- I will respond to you as soon as I can but please know every single message has been warmly and gratefully received.

Take care over the weekend folks; we very much look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs C and your BVP family.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.


Going On In Your Area


Friends of Bournville Park Newsletter May 2024

Money, Money, Money

As of 19th May, there was just over £12,000 in the bank account. Much of this is committed to summer events for young people. Funds for Tai Chi sessions are nearly exhausted and the Trustees are investigating how more funding might be secured.

A Fond Farewell 

The Chair, Joan Hosfield, announced that she will stand down at the Spring 2025 AGM. Rachael Manamley is willing to be considered for the role and, until then, will shadow and support Joan. The Treasurer, Colin Thomas, will also stand down next Spring. A new Treasurer will have to be elected by the members. Sam Wright is shadowing Colin in order to learn the role. Both the new Chair and Treasurer will be elected by the members.

Summer Fun

There will be events held in the park during August from multi-sports, tennis and cycling to community picnics. More details will be released soon!

Tennis Court Refurbishment 

The tennis courts refurbishment has been delayed due to the wet weather. Completion by early June is anticipated. The Council and LTA propose an official launch at Bournville Park on Sat June 15th to coincide with opening of Birmingham Classic tournament. 

Memorial Tree 

About £800 was donated for a memorial tree. Rachael Manamley has inspected possible sites for the tree with a view to planting in October. This will be advertised on Facebook and via tree posters.

News Roundup:

- Shed painting by KNBS DoE students will also be on June 2nd

- An attempted break in/vandalising of the bowling club hut was reported to police (but there was no follow up)

- The shed remains a high priority for demolition

- FOBP plan to replant the donated snowdrops 


We are always happy to have your comments on the activities in the Park. We are keen to hear from potential volunteers. Please contact us for more information via email: [email protected]


Check out the below Spring photos of one of our bird cherry trees and some of our many narcissi.

Word Play Festival

How Brave Is The Wren bookshop in Kings Heath is hosting a range of activities and events for Word Play Festival, taking place 15th & 16th June. some activites are free and some cost a small amount. To view their newsletter for more information please click the link below. 



Alternatively, click the link below to go directly to the booking page and view all events and pricing.


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