Welcome to your newsletter for week ending May 24th

The week has ended on a high with our Values Champion Awards across the school; it's always wonderful to hear about and celebrate how children are consistently going over and above to demonstrate our school values in and out of school.

Yesterday our Year 3's put on a super 'Two Brothers and a Chocolate Factory' assembly in front of a packed audience. They told the story beautifully and we we all extremely proud of their speaking, acting and singing!

This week parents also met for part 2 of our 'Working Party' session where we are looking at the Values, Behaviour and Relationship Policy and the Anti-Bullying Policy. Sitting down round a table and hearing about parents' experiences and also for parents to hear more about what goes on 'behind the scenes' at school is incredibly helpful and we are developing more opportunities for this, next year. 

Read on for more updates from the week!

What's Coming Up

Monday 3rd Back to school
Year 4 Multiplication Table Check
Friday 7th RGR Forest School
Year 4 and 5 CBSO Showcase 3pm (see 'Music News' for more information)
Thursday 13th Class Photographs
Friday 14th RGR Forest School


Values of the Week

Today the teachers presented Values Champion Certificates to the following children for demonstrating Challenge.

RC - Arlo R 3C - Amber N
RGR - Rosie A-H 3O - Toby B
RR - Audrey L 3S - Logan P
1C - Kian S 4A - Seth M
1RT - William D 4BE - Francine N (Jessica G- Compassion)
1S - Jack A 4O- Panbhu V
2ES- Teson W 5HPS - Zachary P
2T- Henry L 5S - Tayla-Elise R
2TJ - Anna AH 5H - Annabelle D
6GW- Aysha J
6M- Adair M
6S - Holly N

Speed check: take care when riding your wheels 

If your child/ren cycle or scooter to and from school please be mindful of those walking on the pavements. If you could please remind them to keep their speed down to avoid any accidents with pedestrians. 


Year 5's Rainforest Roadshow 

On Thursday, Year 5 were lucky to have Dave Shaw visit with his Rainforest Roadshow. The children were so engaged with his stories, adventures and took great interest in the creatures he had brought into school. It was great to see the year group reinforcing our school values and enthusiasm to learn.

During the afternoon, the children got to hold some of the creatures, create personalised necklaces/bracelets and draw some of the wildlife from his collection.

Year 5 did not disappoint - showing real courage and breaking fears in holding a millipede and a tarantula.

Year 5, your teachers are very proud of you! Well done!

Year 4's Visit From Royal Orthopaedic Hospital 

Year 4 were excited to welcome representatives from the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital this week. The visit forms part of the 'Health Hacks' initiative.

The team spoke to the children about making healthy choices and all classes got to apply their own plaster casts!

It was a fun, educational morning enjoyed by all.

This week's winners are:

* ASHA (Reception) - RR (again!)

* AXEL (KS1) - 2T

* ATTIE (KS2) - 6GW & 3C

National Numeracy Day! 

On Wednesday, the children celebrated National Numeracy Day by coming to school dressed as a number! We had some amazing outfits with numbers great and small, and the children were excited to see what their friends had come dressed as.

In school, we took part in a live lesson which included some ‘Numberblocks’ dancing, interviews with engineers and scientists about using numbers to get to space, and even a rocket launch!

There were lots of fun maths activities taking place throughout the day, including making board games and completing cryptarithm number puzzles.

We hope the children had a fantastic day – let’s do it again next year!

What a wonderful end to a fantastic half term of music making.

S played the piano beautifully in our celebration assembly today and it was a fitting end to such a great half term.

We look forward to many musical highlights next half term, with a singing workshop for Years 4 and 5 delivered by the CBSO, our evening concert for Years 5 and 6, our Year 2 Ukulele Concert and our choir performing in the Symphony Hall as part of the Youth Proms.

It’s going to be a wonderful end to an amazing year of music at BVPS.

Please read on for some important information…

Secure your music lessons for September!

If you would like your child/ren to contine/start/cancel music lessons next year, please respond to the email that was sent out today by June 7th. 

Next year lessons will cost £7.80 per week to include the loan of an instrument. 

Parents Invited:  CBSO showcase 

On 7th June in George Hall at 3pm, parents are invited to come and hear a 10 minute showcase of the songs which Years 4 & 5 have learnt as part of their workshop with the CBSO on Friday 7th June. We hope to see you there!

Year 5 and 6 Evening Concert - Tuesday 2nd July - invitations have been sent!

Invitations to all those children taking part in our evening concert have been emailed out today. Please could you click the link and complete the short form confirming your acceptance and letting us know how many people will be coming.

The concert starts at 6 p.m. and will go on until around 7.30 p.m. The concert will feature our Year 5 and 6 woodwind, brass, violin/viola players, percussion players, our elite guitar ensemble, Year 5 and 6 choir members, school orchestra and Year 6 Hand Bell Group. It should be a wonderful evening of music making.

School Choir - Keep learning those words….

For all those choir members going to the Youth Prom please access all the resources needed for home learning. These can be found on our school website site, under ‘Our School’ and ‘Music’.


Choir members could you please learn 'Another One bites the Dust’ and ‘We will Rock You’ from memory for when we start back on Monday 3rd June. Keep singing ’Sing’ and ‘We are the Young’.


Youth Prom Concert Monday 8th July

Please note tickets are now on sale for this event via B:Music


CBSO Notelets : Adventures in Space! Friday 14th and Saturday 15th June 2024

The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra are hosting our Early Years Concerts for little ones aged 6 and under on June 14th and 15th. Notelets are fun-filled interactive concerts that give children the freedom to dance, sing and learn about musical instruments for the first time. There will be free craft activities before the show and  a chance to meet the musicians and have a go at some of the instruments after every concert!

Dates and Times: Friday 14 June (11am & 1:30pm) / Saturday 15th June (11am, 1:30pm & 3:30pm)

Location: CBSO Centre, Berkley St, Birmingham, B1 2LF

Tickets: To claim the half-price ticket offer of £5 per ticket, please contact the Box Office directly at 0121 289 6331 or email [email protected] and state that you would like to claim the £5 ticket offer shared to you on behalf of the CBSO, along with the number of tickets, and the date and time of the concert you would like to attend. The £5 ticket also includes a FREE 1-hour craft workshop before the concert.

Duration: 1 hour

Note: All Notelets performances are BSL interpreted.

We hope to see you there!

From the CBSO Learning and Engagement Team

Who's behind the book? The reveal!

Did you guess correctly?

Can you tell who's hiding behind the book this week?

Author Spotlight: Maz Evans

Maz Evans is a British author who writes children’s books. You may know her for her “Who Let the Gods out?” and “Vi Spy” series. If you’re looking for a laugh-out-loud book, one written by Maz Evans is the way to go! Her debut novel “Who Let the Gods Out?” was selected as the Waterstone’s Children’s Book of the Month.
You can find copies of her books in our library, so keep an eye out during your weekly library visits.

Read all about palaeontologist Mary Anning 



It is important for our children to have positive experiences online and to look after their mental wellbeing.  The following website gives suggestions on how you can help support you child’s wellbeing whilst they are online.


At BVP we are committed to working in partnership with our families and wider school community, supporting mental health and wellbeing and building positive relationships between home and school. 

We understand that life can be busy and have its challenges so, we want to offer a space and dedicated time each week for support, advice, or just an informal chat.  

With this in mind, the Pastoral Team will be available every Tuesday after school until 4.30pm.  This will be a drop-in session, so no appointments necessary. You can find us in The George Building’s Pastoral Rooms – there will be space available for private conversations if required. 

We look forward to welcoming you and getting to know you and your families better.

Have a lovely half term and we look forward to seeing you all when we return.

The Pastoral Team


Please note, the below menu will be served the first week back after half term  



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Cheese topped roast pepper pasta bake (V) Turkey burger served with spicy mayonnaise Sunday style roast dinner Hot chicken tikka wrap Loaded pizza slices (V)
Pan fried noodle sizzle Grilled quorn escalope burger (V) Creamy cauli mac and cheese (VE) Oven baked quiche (V) served with new potatoes Fish of the day served with chip shop curry sauce
Cod and salmon fish cake
SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetable (VE) SIDES-Fresh seasonal salad, spicy potato wedges (VE) SIDES- Fresh seasonal vegetables, creamed potatoes or roast (VE) SIDES-Fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) SIDES- served with baked beans or peas and chips (VE)
Apple sponge served with custard (V) Carrot and orange muffin (V) homemade shortbread with a glass of milk (V) Winter fruit crumble served with custard (V) Ice cream flavored tub (V)

Fresh seasonal salad bar and fresh bread available daily, as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit and fruit yoghurts.

Following on from last week's 'you said...we did' we can confirm the bus will be moved over half term, so watch out for exciting news about the development of that area in the playground!

And finally...

Although it's been a longer half term than the previous one, it still seems to have flown by and we can't quite believe we are about the begin the last half term of the year! Thankyou for the parental engagement over recent weeks; whether it's telling us what we're doing well or what we could be doing better, all feedback helps us to make sure we are getting things right for our children.

We hope the half term break gives you all a chance to spend more time with family and friends. Take care of each other and we look forward to seeing you all back on June 3rd!

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.


Going On In Your Area

Free meals and activities this half term

We know that half term can be financially straining for some parents, so here are a few useful links of places you can take your child/ren for free meals or activities:



A School Life Website
School Life iOS Mobile Application
School Life Android Mobile Application