Welcome to your newsletter for week ending May 17th

We've been focusing on our Year 6 children lots this week as they've been sitting their SATs- we've been super proud of their conduct throughout the week and have really enjoyed seeing them 'let off steam' with some treats today!

Thankyou to everyone who has made a donation to our Pastoral Team Fundraising Event- we're not sure of the total amount we have raised for our new Guinea Pig additions just yet, but we are incredibly grateful for all contributions. We will keep you posted with our preparations to ensure the new BVP family members have the space the equipment they need.

We can't believe that we are approaching the last week of the half term already- don't forget we are celebrating National Numeracy Day on Wednesday so children can (if they wish) come dressed as a number- see further down the newsletter for more information. After half term, school gets really busy with lots of end of year activities, so please keep your eye on the calendar (in the 'Families' section of our website) for all events.

Well Done Year 6!

A massive well done to all our year 6 pupils who took their SATs this week. We are very proud of all the hard work and effort you have put in. Enjoy your weekend!

Temporary Lights On Linden Road 

Due to Severn Trent carrying out work in Bournville Park over the next three weeks, there will be temporary traffic lights on Linden Road. 

This is to address the reoccurring "sewage spills" within the park. 

The lights may cause increased congestion on the road, so please take this into account if you collect/drop off your child by car. 

Trading Cards in School...

A friendly reminder to keep all trading cards at home (Pokemon, football etc.). This is to avoid upset over "unfair trades" and losing cards. 

What's Coming Up

Wednesday 22nd May National Numeracy Day- come dressed as a number!
Thursday 23rd Year 3 Assembly (9:00-9:30)
Friday 24th RC Forest School
Monday 27th Break up for Half Term
Monday 3rd Back to school


Values of the Week

Today the teachers presented Values Champion Certificates to the following children for demonstrating Challenge.

RC - Hope B 3C - Tobias D
RGR - Rosie K 3O - Emmy B
RR - Emilia B 3S - Atticus R
1C - William F 4A - Grace M
1RT - Isla F 4BE - Jude F
1S - Zanecho B 4O- Dougie V
2ES- Paige S 5HPS - Sebastian W
2T- Alexander H 5S - Harry B
2TJ - Jude F 5H - Selina Liu & Theo R
6GW- Yana-Rae F
6M- Felix D
6S - Thomas L

This week's winners are:

* ASHA (Reception) - RR

* AXEL (KS1) - 2ES

* ATTIE (KS2) - 4O

Year 5 Trip to Walsall Art Gallery and Leather Museum 

Over the last two weeks, our year 5 classes have taken it in turns to visit Walsall Art Gallery and Leather Museum.

The children were a credit to themselves with their behaviour, curiosity and enthusiasm to try new things. They were inspired by animals and nature to create a two-colour press print, and then made a 1970s style rocker bracelet. They also learnt about Walsall’s history in the leather trade.

Thank you to the parent volunteers who came along - you helped make the trip such a rewarding day!


It is 5 days to go until we are celebrating National Numeracy Day on Wednesday 22nd May!

Just a reminder that on the Wednesday, we are inviting the children to come to school dressed as a number of their choice – from a simple t-shirt with numbers on, to a football shirt or even a costume of your own making. We can’t wait to see what numbers you will be!

Here are some interesting numbers that are related to 5 days.

5 days is equal to…

  • 120 hours
  • 7,200 minutes
  • 432,000 seconds


Who’s behind the book?

Staff at BVP love to read. Can you tell who is hiding behind the book “Giraffes can’t dance”?

Performing poetry

As well as books and stories, we know that lots of children at BVP enjoy poetry – reading it, writing it, sharing it, and performing it! Children in year 2 have been reading poetry in class this week and have been practising reciting and performing poetry.

Do you know any poems by heart?

Could you learn a poem and perform it to a friend or family member?

Watch this video for some tips of how to perform poetry from author and poet Joseph Coelho.

Impress your friends and family with this disappearing coin trick...

This trick uses refraction of light to make it look like a coin under a glass disappears!

You will need:

  • Glass cup or jar
  • Water
  • Coin


  • Place a glass on top of a coin and ask a friend if they can still see the coin. Hopefully they will say yes!
  • Pour water into the glass and ask your friend if they can see the coin now. They should say that the coin has disappeared.


Light (from the sun, or an artificial light) travels in a straight line, bounces off objects and into our eyes, allowing us to see things. Generally, there is little or no refraction of light as it travels through air.

However, when you pour water into the glass or jar, the light from the coin is refracted (bends) and doesn’t make it to your eyes. This is why the coin seems to disappear.

Gaming is very popular with our children. 

This website offers information on how we can support them in gaming responsibly online.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Mexican - style enchiladas with tomato sauce (VE) All day breakfast (VE) Sunday style roast dinner Spaghetti with homemade plant powered meatballs (VE) Margherita pizza slices (V)
Tuna pasta bake (VE) All day breakfast Sunday style roast dinner Halal option Chicken tikka curry Fish of the day served with chip shop curry sauce
Cheese and potato pie with butterbeans (V) Fisherman's pie with root vegetable crust (V) Chicken tikka curry Halal option
SIDES- both served with a garlic slice SIDES- served with baked beans and hash brown (VE) SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables, creamed potatoes or roast potatoes (VE) SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables and rainbow rice SIDES- served with baked beans or peas and chips (VE)
Chocolate crunch with custard Fruit jelly (V) carrot cake with vanilla frosting (V) Chocolate rice pudding (V) Ice cream flavored tub (V)

Fresh seasonal salad bar and fresh bread available daily, as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit and fruit yoghurts.

Please see below the Tex-Mex menu for Monday 20th May ONLY. If you would like your child to have this, then please select the School Dinner option on Arbor as normal. 

Thanks, BVP  

7 Ways To Be Involved In Making Fun Things Happen Around School...

1.) Bring books in - help make another Big Book Giveaway happen! 

2.) Donate any unwanted school uniform

3.) Book tickets for our Quiz Night on 5thJuly - https://bournvillehsa.wordpress.com/quiz-july-2024- tickets available on Arbor, £10 per person including a fish and chip supper.

4.) Year 6 Parents: why not help with Yr 6 leavers events? Text: 07974331102

5.) Volunteer to help at our discos - Text: 07974331102

6.) Buy Raffle Tickets for the End of Term Raffle Draw - available on Arbor - draw on 19thJuly at 11:00 - £1 per ticket.

7.) Host a Silent Disco! Borrow our kit (60 headphones, 3 transmitters) and donate to the fundraising pot.


A massive thank you to Steve and Emily for donating their freezer! We will now be able to put our plans to provide ice lollies in the playground into action.  

You said... we needed to find a way of developing a safe sports area in school. 

So we are... removing the 'bus' (it's going the fire service as a training resource!), selling the shipping container and moving the 'mud area' which is currently adjoining the far end of the Cadbury building. With all that gone, we can develop the new space into an area for safe sports for our children.

Keep your eyes open for further developments!

And finally...

We love meeting and greeting our children and families at the gates and on the doors in the morning. If you tend to enter and exit school the same way each day, you may not be aware that there are staff dotted all around the playgrounds.

If you ever want to talk to a member of SLT, this is who is out and about in the morning...

Mrs May (SENDCo), Mrs Carter (DHT) and Miss Setchell (Rec and KS1 Phase Leader) are all on the doors to the Elizabeth Building so can be easily found by Rec and KS1 families.

Miss Stone (Year 5 and 6 Phase Leader) is by the George Building steps (top playground) and Mrs Cooper (HT) is on the gate entrance on Woodbrooke Road.


We hope you all have a peaceful weekend. Take care of yourselves and each other, and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday.



Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children are safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.


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