Welcome to your newsletter for week ending March 22nd
Although this term has been shorter than usual, we have packed lots in... right up to the last minute! Last night our relatively newly formed orchestra performed at the Birmingham Conservatoire- they were absolutely fantastic and received many well-deserved compliments. Not only were they wonderful musically, their conduct throughout the afternoon and into the evening concert was exemplary- we are incredibly proud of them all.
Thankyou to all parents and carers for your engagement with school. You are good at telling us what is working well and also open in telling us what we need to work on. We want all our children to feel loved and safe when they are with us and when we know this isn't the case, we are determined to put things right (and in these situations, we appreciate your patience when things might not feel like they are improving as quickly as we all would hope). On the Parent Voice page of the website, we have added the results of the latest Parent/ Carer Survey- you can go directly to it using the link here.
What's Coming Up
8th April | Start of Term |
9th April | Reception PTA Disco (Elizabeth Hall 15:20-16:30) |
10th April | Year 1 PTA Disco (Elizabeth Hall 15:20-16:30) |
11th April | Year 2 and 3 PTA Disco (George Hall 15:20 - 17:00) |
Year 4,5 and 6 PTS Disco (George Hall 18:00 - 19:30) | |
12th April | RC Forest School |

Values of the Week

On Monday, the teachers presented the Values Champion Awards to the following children for demonstrating Compassion.
KS1 | KS2 |
RC - Annabel D | 3C - Remi K |
RGR - Arifah C | 3O - Rosa W |
RR - Sophia W | 3S - Abigail R |
1C - Frankie H | 4A - Alice L |
1RT - Mia C | 4BE - Jessica G |
1S - Imogen N | 4O- Asma K |
2ES - Penny E | 5H - Luisa G |
2T- Aadam R | 5HPS - Lilah S |
2TJ - Tallulah-Rose C | 5S - Charlie-Jay L |
6GW- Jindan S | |
6M - Eliza D | |
6S - Idrys S |
This week's winners are:
* ASHA (Reception) - RGR
* AXEL (KS1) - 1C
* ATTIE (KS2) - 5H
Arbor Update
Look out for the following payment items getting added to Arbor after half term:
* Paid milk for year 1 & 2 of the summer term
* Breakfast club summer term 1
* Music for summer term
Booking School Dinners
Amazingly two thirds of you have started using Arbor to let school know if your child is having a dinner or packed lunch.
It is great to see so many of you getting on board with the new system.
If you still haven't given it a go, we highly encourage you to do so. This system allows you to log your child/ren's meal choice (dinner or packed lunch) and will avoid your child being charged incorrectly for a dinner.
Red to Toes
Q from RGR rocked a red sparkly hair-do on last Friday to celebrate Red Nose to Toes Day! He loved it and asked, “What other colour hair gels can you get Mommy?”
Everyone at BVP looked absolutely fabulous last Friday for Red Nose Day and went all out!

Birmingham City FC vs Watford
Some of our lovely pupils were gifted tickets to attend a Blues Match on Saturday 16th March.
We’ve had feedback that they thoroughly enjoyed the game and even met some of the players!
Y in Yr6 said “it’s one of the best days of my life”. We are so proud that a great memory has been made and continue to offer opportunities for pupils to add to their great memories here at BVP.

Year 2 Recorder Concert
Congratulations to our amazing Year 2 recorder group for their debut performance. We were so proud of how well you played. You are all budding musicians and we cannot wait to see you develop your musical talent further.

Some music dates for your diary:
Event | Date | Information |
Annual Afternoon Concert | Friday 10th May | Year 3 , 4 and our less experienced musicians in Years 5 and 6 will be invited to take part in our annual afternoon concert. This concert will feature our flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, brass, violin, and percussion players. We may also be able to feature some keyboard players but this will be confirmed after Easter. As yet we're not quite sure what time the concert will start but probably around 2.15pm. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. Letters of invitation will be emailed home after Easter. |
Annual Evening Music Concert | Tuesday 2nd July | This concert will feature our Year 5 and 6 Musicians (not guitars and maybe some keyboard players), our school orchestra, and Year 5 and 6 choir members. Our annual music award will be presented at this concert. Letters of invitation will be emailed after Easter. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. |
Choir and Orchestra to perform in the Symphony Hall as part of the Youth Proms. | Monday 8th July | Thank you to the choir members who have confirmed they wish to take part in this concert. We will be travelling by coach to the Symphony Hall for an afternoon rehearsal and parents must pick their children up from the Symphony Hall after the concert. The concert is scheduled to finish at 9.15, however last year we finished at 9.45! For those children in the school orchestra only (not in choir) we will send you an email after Easter, asking whether you wish your child to join the choir on the coach or whether you are happy to take them to their rehearsal at the Symphony Hall. Last year parents were asked to bring their orchestra members for 4.15pm. The children will then join the school choir and stay with school staff until after the concert. I will confirm the exact drop off time when details are received from SFE. Tickets will be available via https://bmusic.co.uk/whats-on and we will let you know when they are on sale. |
This week we are celebrating the maths achievements of four of our Y5 students! Last Friday, they went to King Edward’s School to take part in a maths competition against eight other local schools. Despite transport issues resulting in us turning up late, missing half of the first round and giving the other schools a head start, the children did not let their heads drop! They used all of their mathematical thinking, calculation skills and problem-solving abilities to complete a cross-number puzzle and a relay event. Due to their amazing hard work and perseverance, our children managed to achieve a brilliant 2nd place and the runners-up position! They were truly a credit to themselves and the school, and we are very proud of them all. Well done!
Can an egg bounce?
Follow these instructions and investigate to find out…
1.) Place an un-boiled egg in a container of vinegar for about 24 hours. The vinegar should completely cover the egg.
**Top tip: if you want to remove the shell faster, take it out of the vinegar every couple of hours and rinse the egg under cold water while gently rubbing away the shell.**
2.) Once the whole shell has dissolved, you have a naked egg which should bounce. Some eggs seem to break more easily than others, so you could try experimenting with different kinds of eggs to see if a certain type or size makes a difference.
3.) To bounce your egg, drop carefully from a low height, the egg should bounce up from the surface.
4.) Try to measure at what height the egg breaks.
5.)Try bouncing it on different surfaces.
Year 6 WWII-Inspired D&T
This week Year 6’s D&T linked to their history topic: ‘WWII: Britain under threat.’
They baked carrot cookies from ‘rationed’ ingredients. The children were pleasantly surprised at how tasty they were.
An Interview With Mr Hall (5H)
This week, the school journalists have interviewed Mr Hall
If you were a secondary school teacher, what would your chosen profession be?
English because I have a major in English. Maths is good though!
Minecaft ROBLOX or Fortnite?
Minecraft because I am a bit old school. I still keep an eye on Fortnite now that it has Lego, though.
What’s the best book that you’ve read to your class in school?
The Great Fire of London Picture Book that I read when I was a year 2 teacher.
What’s your favourite music genre?
Indie and electronic. I also quite liked Eminem when he was around.
Finally, if there were any recommendations of things to do on the weekend and stretch your legs, what would they be?
The British Motor Museum – there are lots of things to see. I when there last weekend.
Online Safety
Downloading safe apps can be a minefield. This link helps explain how to choose apps safely.

School Dinner Weekly Menus
Introducing the new Summer 1 Menu. Please feel free to go through these options with your children before they return to school.
We will start on Week 1.
WEEK ONE | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Mexican - style enchiladas with tomato sauce (VE) | All day breakfast (VE) | Sunday style roast dinner | Spaghetti with homemade plant powered meatballs (VE) | Margherits pizza slices (V) |
Tuna pasta bake (VE) | All day breakfast | Fisherman's pie with root vegetable crust (V) | Chicken tikka curry | Fish of the day served with chip shop curry sauce |
SIDES- both served with a garlic slice | SIDES- served with baked beans and hash brown (VE) | SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables, creamed potatoes or roast potatoes (VE) | SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables and rainbow rice | SIDES- served with baked beans or peas and chips (VE) |
Chocolate crunch with custard | Fruit jelly (V) | carrot cakewith vanilla frosting (V) | Chocolate rice pudding (V) | Ice cream flavored tub (V) |
WEEK TWO | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wendesday | Thursday | Friday |
Cheese topped roast pepper pasta bake (V) | Turkey burger served with spicy mayonnaise | Sunday style roast dinner | Hot chicken tikka wrap | Loaded pizza slices (V) |
Pan fried noodle sizzle | Grilled quorn escalope burger (V) | Creamy cauli mac and cheese (VE) | Oven backed quiche (V) served with new potatoes | Fish of the day served with chip shop curry sauce |
Cod and salmon fish cake | ||||
SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetable (VE) | SIDES-Fresh seaonal salad, spicy potato wedges (VE) | SIDES- Fresh seasonal vegetables, creamed potatoes or roast (VE) | SIDES-Fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) | SIDES- served with baked beans or peas and chips (VE) |
Apply sponge served with custard (V) | Carrot and orange muffin (V) | homemade shortbread with a glass of milk (V) | Winter fruit crumble served with cusard (V) | Ice cream flavored tub (V) |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Tex- Mex campfire chilli served with rice (VE) | Chicken/ Quorn (V) | Sunday style roast dinner | Piri Piri Chicken served with rice | Loaded pizza slice (V) |
Curry club chickpea and spinach korma (V) | Meatballs with a tomato sauce served with pasta | honey glazed quorn roast | Garden vegetable lasagne served with a garlic slice (V) | Fish of the day servd with chip shop curry sauce |
Cheese and potato pie with butterbeans (V) | ||||
SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) | SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) | SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables , creamed potatoes or roast potatoes (VE) | SIDES- fresh seasonal vegetables (VE) | SIDES- served with baked beans or peas and chips |
Lemon drizzle cake with custard (V) | Chocolate cracknel (V) | banana flapjack served with cutard (V) | Forest fruit sponge (V) | Ice cream flavoured tub (V) |
Fresh seasonal salad bar and fresh bread available daily, as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit and fruit yoghurts.
Firstly, we apologise again for the cancellation of the Easter Hat Parade. The inconsistent forecasts have changed dramatically between the time/day that we had to make the decision (Thursday morning 07:00).
There were no realistic options of holding the event indoors with 270 kids + parents in KS1, and 384 kids + parents in KS2 - exceeding our George and Elizabeth hall capacity.
Lots of you are passionate about the event - rightly so - and we will hope to give you as much warning as possible on the rearranged date. Please keep your Easter Hats - they will get used!

Over 200 kids took part in the Easter Egg Hunt yesterday, which was great to see - we hope you enjoyed it! Eggs hate Fry-days the most apparently...

The Easter Cake Raffle was drawn this afternoon and the lucky winner notified. They go home with this splendid creation!

It is great to see more of you getting on board with the new Arbor payment system! Hopefully the advice we included in last week's newsletter was useful. We have had 301 transactions since 15th March, compared to 126 from 26th Feb - 14th March. Also, over 40% of the parent community has bought something from the shop so far. A massive thank you for your continued adoption of the new payment system.

The disco dates are locked in for all year groups for the rest of the year. If you are able to volunteer for the discos in April please text 07974331102 and we will get you involved in the 'Disco Teams'. The disco tickets are available in the Arbor "School Shop".
If you need plenty of warning to slot the Quiz Night in your family calendars, and secure appropriate childcare, then take this as the "19 week advance notice"! Its on 5th July. Teams of max 10 with only 120 tickets available. We usually sell out so get your teams sorted.

French Club!
If your child is in Y1 or 2, why not sign them up to Lingotot's french club?! It takes place every Thursday, starting April 11th, 15.30-16.30. Booking details below.
Fundraising for our former student, Oly Yorke
You may or may not be aware that one of our former pupil's, Oly Yorke, suffered a horrific accident back in February of this year. Following a fall at a local skate park, he was knocked unconscious by the fall and was immediately rushed to hospital.
The Club also plans to carry out various initiatives over the forthcoming weeks and months to try and bring the local community together and, in the process, raise funds for Oly and his family.
The first fundraising day will take place at the club's first team's home game on Saturday 23rd March (3pm Kick Off). All of the money raised will go to Oly and his family.
Quote of the Week
"Spring adds new life and new joy to all that is." - Jessica Harrelson
As of this week, we have officially left Winter behind and entered Spring! Let's hope this brings with it sunny days, flowers in bloom and big smiles.
And finally...
We hope that whatever you are up to over the school break, you all get some extra time with family and friends. Your BVP family are still here for you during the holiday- please don't hesitate to get in touch via [email protected] if you need any information or would like to discuss anything.
School will definitely be a lot quieter without our 654 most special family members over the next two weeks, and we can't wait to have school full again on Monday 8th April!
See you soon and love to all.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children our safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.
Going On In Your Area
Sellywick Pre School
Places available for September for 2,3 and 4 year olds. Ring to book a place to meet the team. Free funding available subject to eligibility.
Ring 0121 689 8998 or email [email protected].
SEN/D Coffee Morning