Welcome to our Weekly Newsletter- February 9th
Hello families and welcome to the last newsletter of the half term-it really seems to have whizzed by very quickly!
Thankyou to all those who came along for a parents’ evening appointment- it was great to see so many of you in school. If you didn’t manage to book an appointment, please get in touch with your class teacher and we can arrange a suitable time.
When we return on the 19th, we will be marking Children’s Mental Health Week and will finish this off with our first Wellbeing Day. During the week, assemblies and class activities will focus on the theme of ‘My Voice Matters’- we will be using lots of resources from ‘Place 2 Be’ and you can view the parents and carers resource pack here.
On Friday 23rd, we will come off our usual timetables and focus entirely on children's well-being, completing a range of activities in classes and outdoors (weather permitting!). We won’t be having a Values Assembly on that day but will instead be coming together as a school to share some of the activities and learning from the day. We are looking forward to telling you all about the day in our next newsletter!

Values Champions for the half term!

Today, teachers have presented the Values Champion Awards to the following children for demonstrating Integrity.
KS1 | KS2 |
RC- Eleanor F | 3C- Emily D |
RGR- Miya C | 3O- Lenny T |
RR- Sebastian G | 3S- Hannah J |
1C- Tommy B | 4A- Edgar B |
1RT- Bayleigh C | 4BE- Tommy M |
1S- Rosie P | 4O- Ioan H-J |
2ES- Matilda M | 5H- Shruti B |
2T- Abigail M | 5HPS- Skyla C |
2TJ- Phoebe H | 5S- Anna T |
6GW- Delphine O C | |
6M- Holly H | |
6S- Thayer S |
What's Coming Up...
19th February | Swimming Lessons - Year 4 4BE and 4O |
20th February | Swimming Lessons - Year 4 4A |
21st February | Swimming Lessons - Year 6 (not all pupils) |
23rd February | Wellbeing Day |
23rd February | RR Forest School |
Quote Of The Week
"THINK before you type" - Annie Whitnear, online journalist
When creating a post online, follow these simple steps before hitting send.
T = is it TRUE?
H = is it HELPFUL?
I = is it INSPIRING?
N = is it NECESSARY?
K = is it KIND?
If your post or message doesn't fit in with one or more of these ideas, re-think what you are going to say.
Action for Happiness

We are finishing the term on a high with some much improved attendance figures. Thank you so much to everyone for all their efforts.
This week was also the first ever time our Attendance Armadillos got awarded to the classes with the highest attendance from each key stage.
The winners are:
* ASHA (Reception) - RR
* AXEL(KS1) - 2T, who had the highest attendance in the whole school!
We also want parents to be aware we take into account the different types of absences; we do not penalise classes where there are pupils who are not in school regularly or have reduced timetables.
Our Digital Ambassadors
Our amazing Digital Ambassadors have been working on developing a page for the BVP website and focusing on creating two videos for online safety week.
The videos are now live on our website and can be viewed here.
We will also be showing the video again in assembly after half term.
Finally, keep your eyes peeled…the team will be working with our Computing Lead to help find new ways to keep our pupils safe online.
Arbor Update
Arbor Payments Update – for ALL Parents & Guardians
As you all know, last year we moved to our new MIS (management information system), Arbor, to make access to pupil information and communications easier. We mentioned that as time passed, we would unlock more of the features of the system. The next function to be released is Arbor Payments for meals, trips, clubs, school/PTA shop and events). We will be moving payments from ParentPay to Arbor at the end of February 2024. This is to consolidate everything on to one platform.
This is a big transition for us as a school, so we will ensure regular communication takes place with parents & guardians to ensure everyone is aware of the changes taking place. We appreciate your continued support with this change. If you could take time to read the information that will follow, and any guidance that’s provided by school in due course.
We understand and appreciate that this move may be daunting, but the purpose is to simplify and streamline the number of apps that you have to engage with for school – bringing everything (payments, attendance, medical, pupil information, parents’ evenings, communications, etc) all under the same application will help everyone to stay more engaged and updated with school activities.
You will be able to make payments and top up accounts for clubs/trips and meals by logging into the Parent Portal/Arbor App.
NOTE: Please only credit your dinner accounts on ParentPay up to Monday 19th February. Any credits will be moved to your new Abor account or refunded.
We will be refining the process over half term and will send an additional update when we return.
Many thanks
The BVP Team
Ordering School Water Bottles and Rucksacks
For those of you who do not know how to purchase our BVP water bottles and rucksacks, here is a little reminder…
Firstly, call or email the school office to let them know what item/s you would like to purchase and how many. The finace team can then add this/these to your ParentPay account and you can pay the designated amount. Finally, you can either collect your order from the office or we can give item/s to your child/ren at school to take home.
Thinking Day 22.02.2024

World Thinking Day is when Girlguides and Scouts (Rangers, Guides, Scouts, Brownies, Beavers, Rainbows and Cubs) everywhere remember each other and their commitment to international friendship and understanding.
We are therefore inviting students who are part of these organisations to wear their Girlguides and Scouts uniform to school on the Thursday 22nd February.

Anti Bullying Ambassadors
This week's fabulous poster was made by our amazing anti-bullying ambassador - Z.J. They have created a bright and eye-catching poster to highlight that bullying is not tolerated at BVP. We think it is a great piece of artwork from our lovely ambassador and we are sure you all will agree.
Pastoral News
Well done to all of the children and staff who accepted our challenge of ‘Keep Learning. ’Special Congratulations to E in Yr3 who had to learn new moves to compete in a Dance competition, We are very proud of you.
"I made loads of friends that helped me learn to do a backflip and a half pike on their back. I was really scared but my friends and family helped me feel confident. I thought people would laugh at me if I messed up but they just clapped."
Well Done Emilie in Yr5 for independently researching the months of the year, learning about the gemstones and then and making this creative poster!
And….. Here is Mr Purcell learning a new song on his guitar- Here Comes the Sun!
As we enter the half term break, we come to our final Step to Wellbeing,
Give to others
Giving can be a great way to look after your wellbeing. People who show a greater interest in helping others are more likely to rate themselves as happy. It can:
- creating positive feelings and a sense of reward
- giving you a feeling of purpose and self-worth
- helping you connect with other people
Maybe you could:
- smile and say thank you
- make a homemade present or card for someone
- hold a door open for someone
- give someone you love a hug
- send your old toys to a charity shop
- share with others
- help around the house - wash the dishes or do some dusting
- listen to someone else and how they are feeling
- Become a RAKtivist – do one random act of kindness for someone every day.
I’m sure you can think of many more of your own. See how many you can cross off of the list below.
Have a lovely half term! From Dan and Steph xxx
Year 4 Fire Safety Visit
Year 4 had a fire safety visit this week from the team at Kings Norton Fire Station.
It was very exciting and informative.
They have provided links below for you to book free fire safety check visits on your home.
These links also provide advice regarding how to prevent fires and planning in case of an emergency. Depending on issues identified, people may then be able to submit details for a visit from their fire crews. The second link has further details.
Music News
This half term has been another busy period for all our musicians. Our school orchestra is sounding amazing and working towards their debut performance at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire on 21st March. Some of our choir members took part in Young Voices, an incredible experience and they are currently enjoying learning new songs, before our SFE Symphony Hall concert in July (date to be confirmed). All the children learning instruments in school are working hard towards their annual concerts, especially our guitar and ukulele players who we will celebrate on Friday 8th March.
This half term’s finale was our orchestra’s trip to hear the CBSO KS2 concert in the Symphony Hall. This was a fantastic concert with a breath of music featuring each family of instruments. We heard everything from Gabrieli (15th Century) to the theme for Angry Birds! Yes Year 3 they even played our piece of the week, Respighi’s ‘Pines of Rome’! A big thank you to all the staff and parents who helped with this trip and navigating rather busy trains!
Here’s a photo of I. in 6M , who as our only French Horn player was delighted to meet a kindred spirit.
Assembly Music - Congratulations to S. In 5H
Congratulations to S. In 5H who serenaded the children in our celebration assembly today, with a beautiful rendition of ‘Garden Steps’ on her guitar. S. Is a member of the auditioned SFE Training Guitar Ensemble and we could certainly hear how she has achieved such an impressive feat at such a young age. Well done S. you are a star.
School Choir
Our School Choir will start back on Monday 19th February.
Please note that there will be no choir on the last Monday of term, 18th March. Choir will then start back on Monday 8th April.
Guitar and Ukulele Concert - Friday March 8th
Parents and carers of children in Years 3-6 who have been learning the guitar and ukulele for more than a term with Mr Reed are invited to our annual concert in George Hall on Friday March 8th. Doors will open at 2pm for a 2.15pm start.
Stopping Music Lessons
A gentle reminder that if your child wishes to stop having music lessons, this must be put in writing to Mrs Vaughan by March 15th at the very latest.
Thank you children for a fabulous half term of music.
Event | Date | Information |
KS2 Guitar and Ukulele Concert | Friday 8th March | Parents are invited to watch |
KS2 Orchestra Concert | Thursday 21st March | Orchestra Performing as part of Services For Education at the Birmingham Conservatoire |
How Often Does Your Child Read Each Day?
Reading for just 20 minutes daily benefits children by enhancing vocabulary, comprehension, and imagination. It fosters a love for learning, strengthens bonds, and can improve academic success across all subjects. This includes children reading alone, reading to another person, or even being read to by somebody else. So remember, 20 is plenty!
Great Backyard Bird Count
The 2024 Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) takes place from Friday 16th February to Monday 19th February. Each year volunteers tally the birds they see in backyards, parks and natural areas. Last year, bird watchers from more than 100 countries reported a record 6, 456 species- more than half of the known bird species in the world! Which species might show up in this year’s count?
Use the link below to register and take part
Online safety
More and more children are having access to or are owning their own mobile phone. The following link offers ideas on how to discuss the safe use of mobile phones with your child.
School Dinner- Weekly Menus
After half term we will be on Week 3.
WEEK ONE | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Macaroni and cheese with garlic slice | Beef chilli con carne with rice and tortilla chips (halal and non halal options) | Sizzling pork sausage (non halal) | Mixed pepper pizza | Chicken curry (halal and non halal option) |
Macaroni and cheese with garlic slice | Filled jacket potaoes | Sizzling quorn vegan sausage | Margarita pizza | Vegetable curry |
Assorted wraps | Tomato Pasta Bake | Vegetable samosa | Quorn dippers | |
Sides- seasonal vegetables | Sides- seasonal vegetables | Sides- Yorkshire pudding, creamed potatoes and Seasonal vegetables | Sides- Fresh seasonal vegetables and rainbow rice (VE) | Sides- baked beans or peas and chips (VE) |
Iced sprinkle sponge | Cookies | Crumble and custard | Mousse or Jelly | Ice cream flavored tub (V) |
Fruit salad | Shortbread | Fruit salad | Fruit salad | Jelly |
WEEK TWO | ||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wendesday | Thursday | Friday |
Cheese and onion pasty | Chicken fajitas (halal and non halal) | Roast beef (non halal) | Pepperoni pizza (non halal) | Turkey burgers in a bap (non halal) |
Fish fingers | Vegetable fajitas | Quorn roast | Margarita pizza | Quorn burger in a bap |
Filled jacket potatoes | Assorted wraps | Super veg pasta with garlic slice | Termpura fish | Filled jacket potatoes |
Side- wedges and seasonal vegetables | Sides - rice and vegetables | Sides- Yorkshire pudding, creamed potatoes and Seasonal vegetables | Sides- Chunky chips, baked beans or peas | Sides- diced potatoes and vegetables |
Cheesecake | Chocolate orange spoonge and custard | Crumble and custard | Chocolate crunch | Assorted ice cream |
Fruit salad | Mousse | Fruit salad |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Pork sausage roll (non halal) | Spaghetti beef bolognaise (halal or non halal) | Roast chicken (halal or non halal) with stuffing | Pork sausage roll (non halal) | All day breakfast (non halal) |
Vegan roll | Cheese and potato pie with beans | Quorn roast with stuffing | Margarita pizza | Vegetarian all day breakfast |
Assorted wraps | veg pasta | Filled Jacket potato | ||
Side- wedges and seasonal veg | Side- potatoe waffles and seasonal veg | Side- roast potatoes and fresh seasonal veg | Side- chunky chips, baked beans or peas | Sides- pomme potatoes and seasonal vegetables |
Apple pie and custard | cornflake tart | fruit cumble and custard | Chocolate orange mousse | Assorted ice creams |
Chocolate and date bun | Fruit salad | Jelly |
Fresh seasonal salad bar and fresh bread available daily, as well as a daily selection of fresh fruit and fruit yoghurts.
Places Where Kids et For Free Or For £1 During Half Term...

PTA News
Just a quick one to wish you a happy half term break!
Got any good quality, clean uniform items that you no longer need? Bring them into School and they will be used to re-stock the Shop.
Keen baker? We are looking for a donation of an Easter Cake for this year's Easter Cake Raffle. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested.
Want to volunteer? Then be ready to step up for all the discos coming up. They are a perfect opportunity to meet like minded Parents and help your kids have a fun and safe time.
Like the idea of the School Shop and want to help out? Then speak to any of the team when the shop is open. They will help you get involved.
Able to match fund through your employer? Contact [email protected] and we will help you unlock that funding.
Upcoming PTA Events
Thursday 14th March | KS1 Easter Hat Parade straight after drop off | Details to follow, but will include tea/coffee/hot cross buns |
Thursday 14th March | KS2 Easter Hat Parade afternoon | Details to follow |
Thursday 21st March | Easter Egg Hunt | Straight after school (and possible Easter Cake Raffle draw) |
Friday 22nd March | Holiday Celebration | Party in the playground, straight after school |
Tuesday 9th April | Reception Disco | Elizabeth Hall, 15:20 - 16:30 |
Wednesday 10th April | Year 1 Disco | Elizabeth Hall, 15:20 - 16:30 |
Thursday 11th April | Year 2/3 Disco | George Hall, 15:20 - 17:00 |
Thursday 11th April | Year 4/5/6 Disco | George Hall, 15:20 - 17:00 |
Tuesday 2nd July | Reception and Year 1 Disco in George Hall | George Hall - 15:20 - 16:30 |
Friday 5th July | Quiz Night (get the date in your diary!) | |
Thursday 11th July | Year 2/3 Disco | George Hall, 15:20 - 17:00 |
Thursday 11th July | Year 4/5/6 Disco | George Hall, 18:00 - 19:30 |
Tuesday 16th July | Year 6 Production | Details to follow |
Wednesday 17th July | Year 6 Production | Details to follow |
Thursday 18th July | Year 6 Leavers Assembly, BBQ and Party | Assembly in George Hall. BBQ and Party inthe playground 14:00 - 23:00 |
Friend of Bournville Park Newsletter: A lot of rain!
As many of you will be aware, there has been a major “flooding” issue in Bournville Park which we now know was a sewage leakage. The trustees understand that this is not a straightforward fix, but at least Severn Trent are now responding to our concerns. They should be fitting a smart monitor in the underground tanks to warn them when water levels are rising so they can take action to avoid further spills.
Also, at least three trustees must stand down each year and be replaced or re-elected. Unless other trustees wish to resign, the longest serving Trustees are required to stand down. If you wish to be a Trustee, please look out for notices concerning the AGM. As a member, you will get a specific invitation to this event.
We are already well into 2024 but this is the first newsletter in which we can wish you a Happy New Year! Click here for the newsletter!
Have Your Say...
Birmingham City Council is undertaking a review of its Travel Assistance Policy and as part of this review they want to consult with students, parents, carers, and all other stakeholders on the changes to the policy that are being considered. These changes would come into effect for the 2024/25 academic year (September 2024 onwards).
Please visit the Birmingham Be Heard website to find out more about this consultation.
The consultation will be open for five and a half weeks, beginning on Wednesday 7th February and closing on Friday 15th March 2024.
The Children & Young People’s Travel Service will be hosting webinars for parents and carers on Thursday 15th February at 10.30am and on Thursday 7th March at 5.30pm, so that representatives from the service can explain the proposed policy changes and talk through the Council’s consultation process.
If you would like to attend one of these webinars, please complete a webinar registration form.
Registration for each webinar will close 24 hours before the advertised start time.
Kids Essential Closure Dates
Kids Essentials’ Northfield store is undergoing refurbishment and will be closed from Tuesday 13th February for approximately one week.
During this time, their team will not be available to process orders. However, they have taken measures to ensure that all pending orders are fulfilled and delivered before their closure. If you have any urgent concerns or require assistance before the closure, please don't hesitate to contact them on: 0121 477 0736.
Going On In Your Area...

And Finally...
Thankyou for all your support this half term families- your sons and daughters are the reason why we are here and your feedback really helps us to ensure we are constantly working towards our aim of giving our children the very best educational experience possible.
We hope you manage to spend some extra time with families next week and if you're out and about, look after each other and stay safe.
With love from your BVP family.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is the responsibility of everyone in our school and at all times we consider what is in our children’s best interests. We work to ensure our children our safe and cared for and by doing this we are protecting their health and development and preventing them from harm. If we are worried, we will raise concerns, share information, and take prompt action with the aim of ensuring families receive the right help at the right time.