School Uniform
Our school uniform
You can order our branded uniform from Clive Marks (Kings heath) and Kids Essentials (Northfield High Street) either in-store or online.
Kids Essentials:
PE Hoodies:
We also have optional PE Hoodies in your child's house colour which you can order from Kids Essentials. If you are new to BVP please contact the school to find our your child's House Group before you order any hoodies.

The governors have set a formal school uniform and we expect children to wear schools colours of
bottle green and grey. School clothing is:
- Bottle green sweatshirt / jumper or cardigan
- White polo shirt / shirt
- Grey skirt, grey trousers
- Green and white dress for summer
- White/ grey or bottle green socks / tights
- Green and white tie (Year 6 only - optional)
- Flat heeled shoes
- Clothing showing the school crest is recommended.
Appropriate clothing for Physical Education is as follows:
- White t‐shirt and bottle green shorts*
- Socks and pumps with elastic or Velcro (laced pumps are acceptable only if children can tie laces)
- Trainers may be worn for outdoor games
- Swimming costume/trunks and a towel will be required for swimming lessons
*Tights must be removed for health & safety reasons
PTA School Shop -
A number of quality second-hand uniform items can be bought from the school shop at very reasonable prices. The shop is staffed by our wonderful PTA Group and the school shop usually opens towards the beginning and end of every term. We will always inform parents via email when the school shop is open.
The school shop is usually set up on the middle playground and the PTA team accept both cash and card payments.
If you would like to request uniform, please email [email protected].