Welcome to our reception page.
Meet the team
Our three lovely Reception classes (Snaps, Buttons and Twirls) are based in the Cadbury building, each room has access to our outdoor area to allow our children free flow provision all day.
Snaps: Miss Flynn (class teacher) and Mrs Clarke (class teaching assistant).
Buttons: Mrs Reddish (class teacher Monday - Thursday and Early years lead), Mrs Gohil (class teacher - Friday) and Mrs Brazier (class teaching assistant).
Twirls: Mrs Taylor (class teacher Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Ransom (class teacher Wednesday - Friday).
Early Years Apprentices: Mrs Clarke and Miss Flood.
Contact Details:
Snaps: Miss Flynn [email protected]
Buttons: Mrs Reddish [email protected]
Twirls: Mrs Taylor [email protected] and [email protected]

Autumn Term 2024

We have had a wonderful few weeks getting to know all of our new children. They have all settled really well into their first term at school and are enjoying exploring their new environment. We can't wait to see how they continue to grow during this first term at school!
Curriculum Overview
The first few weeks of the Autumn term will be spent getting to know your child and carrying out assessments within the areas of learning. We will also be spending time supporting your child to develop friendships and work within a larger group.
Our focus this term will be:
Match, sort and compare
Measure, weight and capacity
Number recognition
Number formation
Counting accurately
Quantities (more/fewer)
Phonics will be taught daily and here at Bournville Village Primary we teach phonics through the phonics scheme Little Wandle. During the first term, the children will be learning to recognise their name, write it using the correct letter formation and use correct pencil grip in their preferred hand.
book focuses:
Owl babies
We sang across the sea
Stick man
The Jolly Christmas Postman
Physical education
P.E. is taught every Wednesday. All children should arrive in P.E kit ready for their P.E lesson.
Forest School
Each half term a class will attend Forest school on Fridays.
During Autumn 1 Snaps will be the first class to attend forest school.
This will start on the 27th September. The final forest school session for Snaps class is Friday 25th October.
Autumn 2 Buttons class will start forest school, starting on Friday 8th November. Buttons will attend forest school for 6 weeks, with their last session on the 18th December.
Twirls class will attend forest school in Spring term 1, starting on the Friday 10th January and finishing on Friday 14th February.
Online learning/homework
Once the children have settled, phonics homework will be sent out on a weekly basis. This will be an overview the sounds they have learnt during the week and a phonics book in line with their reading level will be sent out after the child's first phonics assessment. This is to ensure the children have the correct book to match their reading ability and allow them to practice and rehearse their learning.
Your child will also bring home a reading diary. This is for you to enter comments to share with your child’s class teacher about how your child has read at home.
All children in reception will be able to spend time in our beautiful library on a Friday. This means that they are able to take a book out and spend time sharing it with their family for a week. These books are sharing books, to read for pleasure and not in line with their phonics.
The children can bring their reading books back on a Friday and swap them for a new one if they would like to our they are able to keep them for a week longer if they are really enjoying them.
Other things to note:
Please ensure that all your children's belongings are labelled with their names.
Children need to bring in a pair of wellies, this will enable them to access all outdoor provision during the year, especially with all the rain we have already endured!
Please could we ensure that children are sent into school with spare clothes, labelled with their name. Due to the nature of our learning we will be accessing the outdoor environment throughout the year and experience each season as it comes. We advise that children are sent in with warm, older clothes that you don't mind them wearing outdoors.
To boost our communication and language within school each week the children will learn a rhyme or poem and a new sign (makaton sign). Please ask your children to show you their new sign and teach you their rhymes!
Autumn 1:
I'm a dingle dangle scarecrow.
Hickory dickory dock.
5 little pumpkins
Good morning
Good afternoon
Thank you
Autumn 2:
Rhymes and songs:
Remember the 5th November
Flanders fields
Away in a manger
Follow the star
we wish you a merry Christmas