
At Bournville Village Primary we are committed to nurturing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our pupils, to support this we use a programme called myHappymind. As a whole school programme grounded in science and dedicated to building positive mental wellbeing, myHappymind helps children understand how their brains work and creates a culture that helps to build children's resilience, confidence, and self-esteem. myHappymind also teaches the children how to self-regulate and manage their emotions in stressful times, allowing them to be their very best selves!
myHappymind is delivered in school by class teachers through a series of interactive lessons each week and then the children apply these learnings throughout the day.
It is an award-winning programme that has received national recognition for its exceptional work in schools, nurseries, families, and organisations across the UK. The programme is backed by NHS and uses wellbeing strategies firmly rooted in science, research, and the fields of neuroscience and positive psychology. It does also cover all the mandatory objectives from the DfE Relationships Education Curriculum and also around 70% of the PSHE objectives.
Find out more about the programme overview by clicking on the link below.
myHappymind Learning-The 5 Modules
myHappymind Parent App
Our families are instrumental in supporting their children's mental health and wellbeing. So that we can promote and apply the same strategies, language and learning at home, we recommend the myhappymind parent app. The myHappymind parent app is free and full of information and resources to support you and your child. These resources can be accessed online on your computer, or through an app on your phone. The Parent App will support you as a parent in understanding what your child is learning, podcasts, activities for you to do together at home and also a Kids Zone featuring myHappymind Games, plus much more. Click on the link below for more information.
If you would like more information please contact the Pastoral team via [email protected].
myHappymind Parent Resources
The resources on the parent app are split into two main sections:
1) Material to help you understand the programme and what your child is learning at school, thereby enabling you to engage with them and use similar principles at home.
2) Activities that complement the programme, for you to do together at home. The 'home' activities are split by Key Stage.
- Early Years - for Nursery & Reception children.
- Key Stage 1 - for children in Years 1 & 2.
- Key Stage 2 - for children in Years 3 - 6
myHappymind Minis
These bite-sized videos illustrate key points from the five myHappymind modules. Whilst they are mini in size, they are packed with useful learning points and will give you an overview of the content being covered with the children.
myHappymind Podcasts
There are 53 podcasts, which focus on a different aspects of mental health and emotional wellbeing. As a collection, they provide advice and guidance, as well as practical suggestions about how to build your child's self-esteem, self-awareness and resilience
An example of the podcast titles include:
- Why engagement matters so much to happiness
- The power of relationships
- Turning big emotions on their head
- How to stop the narrative that is stopping you from moving forward
- Why HOW you praise is so important
- Put Yourself First!
Happy Breathing
One of our favourite tools to make us feel happier and settled is happy breathing. Children are taught that when we feel scared or anxious the amygdala part of our brain takes over and stimulates our fight, flight or freeze reaction. The only way to turn this off is to bring as much oxygen as you can to your brain, so we breathe in and out slowly; this is happy breathing. Ask your child about happy breathing - they will be happy to show you!
For myHappymind printable breathing cards click on the link below.
Happy Breathing in Action at BVP!
• "When children are anxious or are upset after break, the breathing technique has helped." • "The children have really enjoyed learning about their brain. We have used Happy Breathing as a way of settling the children, especially after lunch or transition times. I have used it with children who find it hard to regulate their emotions to help them calm down." • "Happy Breathing is child-led in our classroom and is part of our daily routine. We all signed the contract, promising to do Happy Breathing every day, just before lunch. The children leave the classroom feeling calm and rejuvenated." • "The children access Happy Breathing when feeling upset in the classroom, they also sing the song on the playground!" • "The reception children love Happy Breathing and use the Happy Breathing prompt cards during choosing time." • "Children use Happy Breathing regularly and are now using it without prompting "
myHappymind Places
What is myHappymind places?
myHappymind Places, is a self regulation toolkit and a simple and engaging way to help your child understand their emotions and explore strategies to feel safe, calm and happy.
You can create myHappymind Places together at home, either as a physical activity or by
accessing the interactive version on the Parent App.
Newsletters for Parents and Families
The thing I like the most about myHappymind is it helps me to share my emotions and how I'm feeling. My favourite activity is the quizzes at the start because they're fun. A time that it has helped me was the character strengths helped me to resolve a conflict with my friends. The best thing about myHappymind is the journals because they are personal to you. MyHappymind has made a difference because it has helped me understand my character strengths and what I'm good at. The Happy Breathing helps me to get focussed for my lessons. Three words I would use to describe how it makes me feel are relaxed, interested and engaged. I think myHappymind is important for my school because it helps you to understand who you are as a person. - Year 6 pupil
• "They loved designing the Character Strengths cape." • "The children link the school values to their Character Strengths. " • "The class were really surprised that they all have the same Character Strengths but in different amounts- it has helped some children to feel more confident when tackling learning/ activities that previously they had thought they struggled with. " • "We love the journals!" • "Children have really enjoyed Strengths Spotting are beginning to recognise their own and others Character Strengths" • "Children are better able to show their appreciation and discuss how it makes them/others feel. " • "Children are less likely to name 'things' when discussing what they are grateful for and now share people's places and experiences. They are also more aware of how showing gratitude to others increases their feelings of happiness as well as others" • "The children are more aware of what they can do for others to make them feel happy and what others do for them. " • "The children really enjoy showing appreciation for each other." • "we have introduced Jar of Joy in the classroom to encourage an Attitude of Gratitude daily, finishing the day on 3 things that we/I are grateful for today. " • "Children have a greater understanding of gratitude beyond things they have. They are able to positively articulate what they are grateful for and how it makes them feel.

If you would like to borrow a copy of the book, My Happy Mind: Help your child build life-long confidence and resilience by Laura Earnshaw , just pop into the office and pick one up.