

Curriculum aims

  • To help the children enjoy and develop fluency and confidence in expressing themselves in another language through speaking, listening, reading and writing.
  • To develop and extend the children's language learning skills and knowledge making them want to learn further.
  • To increase the children's cultural awareness.
  • To understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of sources.
  • To speak with increasing fluency and spontaneity and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation.
  • To begin to write at varying length, for different audiences and purposes, using the variety of grammatical structures they have learnt.

Delivery of French

French is taught to all KS2 classes, in a whole class setting for a timetabled lesson of at least 30 minutes a week by the class teacher or PPA cover teacher.  This is then revisited in short sessions throughout the week to consolidate knowledge and ensure that language is retained. French lessons provide a variety of sources to model the language, using games, songs, pictures ICT etc.  Lessons focus on speaking and listening.  However, when appropriate, children do record written work.

By the end of Key Stage 2

Children will be able to:

  • understand the main points and some detail from a short spoken passage comprising familiar language
  • take part in simple conversation and express simple opinions. Pronunciation will be generally accurate.
  • understand the main points and simple opinions of a longer written passage (e.g. letter, recipe, poem, story etc) They will be able to use a dictionary to access unfamiliar language.
  • Write a short text attempting to use nouns and adjectives accurately

Subject overview

French in action

Should you have any question relating to the French Curriculum at Bournville Village Primary School please contact the subject lead: Sam Wilson


[email protected]

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